An audiophile friend in Morgantown (Dave) is selling his vinyl-playing hardware. The TT is a Clearaudio Champion Level 2 with the Unify tonearm and a Benz Ace cartridge and all accessories, in exc shape:
clearaudiochampion by
Jose Sifontes, on Flickr
Dust Cover_Champion by
Jose Sifontes, on Flickr
It has the optional dustcover. He is asking
$2250 $2000 (firm) for the package
, open to offers. Dave is the original owner and takes very good care of equipment (The Teac decks he uses looked to me as if they were just taken out of the box).
He is also selling a Marantz PMD-510 with 1 hour of use in it for $100 ($500 new)

Anyone interested let me know and I will point you in his direction.