Author Topic: The trouble with Socialism  (Read 12465 times)

Offline FrankieD

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Re: The trouble with Socialism
« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2010, 01:21:42 PM »
I do not like either of our last two presidents.  Both have screwed up the country.  Here are some quick off the top of my head things that I did not like.

Issues I have with Bush 43:
Department of Homeland Security
Patriot Act
Prescription drug plan
he is the second highest spending president in US history
he expanded the size of the Fed Government faster than any previous presidents
Government bail outs

Issues I have with Obama
Spending more money than all of the presidents combined before him
Universal Health Care
Government bail outs
replacing the CEO of any company
Adding all of those Pay and Auto type Czars
Appointing socialists as his advisors
Raising taxes
Not withdrawing troups like he said he would

IMO, both Bush and Obama have moved this country away from it's founding fathers roots and their actions has continued to move us to Socialism.

Now your talking Tom !!!