Author Topic: Akai X-355 RTR  (Read 3176 times)

Offline non-prophet

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Akai X-355 RTR
« on: June 08, 2018, 04:00:04 PM »
I was told it works, complete with case.  Solid State.  I was also told it probably has Akai branded Fostex speakers in it.  I haven't looked.  Heavy as hell and cheap enough for a forum member.  PM me if interested.
Duntech PCL-400 (Black Knight), KEF 105/3, Snell Type b
Aloia PST 11.1, Terra Song ss-1, Luxman c-1000, Melos MA333
Llano Phoenix CA-300, White Audio Labs A100, (2) Luxman M4000
McIntosh MA230