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SANSUI FR 4060 running half step fast

<< < (4/4)

Sir Thrift-a-Lot:
Great.   I would still recommend using the app to check wow and flutter.

Put some 240 grit wet or dry sandpaper to the capstan----& check speed as diameter of capstan decreases----when you are there, polish it with some 600 grit wet or dry. That's really a pretty small "error" & sometimes the 60 cycle 110 volts in your area may not be right on. Street voltage & cps (hertz) also varies quite a bit---depending on location & lenght of "drop". Try it somewhere across town, and see if it reads the same.-----Rik

    I got curious about our Power Company 60 Hertz  variations---& here's what I found----Verrrrry interesting   From "Mike Holt's Forum"-----
: was fascinating . It looks like +-0.01Hz is the normal operating range, with +-0.02 Hz intentionally used to adjust long term averages.
Evidence of long term (over the course of a month) errors on the order 0.004Hz is enough to get some people worried about the grid.
.024 Hertz error divided by 60 hertz = .004 %----approx 1/2 of 1% fluctuation in 60Hertz voltage from power companies
Turntable rurning at 34rpm is .666 rpm fast---divided by 33 1/3 (33.333)  =.o199 %----Approx 2% fast
Lets say a 3 /12 minute recording----Thats 210 seconds  times ..02 (2%) = 4.2 seconds
I believe this would be just within factory "specs" for an "average turntable" with no speed adjustment---I think only a pro musician or a "Guru Audiophile" might be able to pick up on this----without an instant comparison for a "pitch"  comparison. I have a couple of turntables with speed adjustment, & never do they read the same with a strobe & disc---sooo, It could be power line "Hertz"---or who knows what changes take place. I had nothing better to do tonight---I hope I didn't bore you---LOLOL !!!!!

CORRECTION to the above post------I hadn't noticed & taken into consideration that the .01 Hertz was a "plus or minus" number---sooo---that doubles the "spread---and the .02 hertz average adjustment correction number is also "plus or minus"----doubling the spread---soooo----the total fluctuation of 60 hertz could be as high as one percent. Now I know why I always had to adjust the speed controls on my speed control turntables---probably changes from day to day, when they "shift" the  power from Gas, Oil, coal fired & hydro electric turbine generators, for maintenance & repair, etc.---Also, I had a typo---- I meant 3 1/2 minute recording---210 seconds.--sorry----Why did I have to wait all these years to  figure this out ????---LOLOL-----One percent variation in 60 Hertz is not good for turntables or recorders.---Imagine a recording studio trying to "mix tracks" if one was coming in digitally from a different location?---I'm sure they do it all with the same power supply.


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