PoLiTiCs > What's on your cranium???

Anybody watching the debates?

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Sir Thrift-a-Lot:

--- Quote from: Dicky on June 29, 2019, 08:56:10 PM ---http://youtu.be/F6aR6il3RgA

AOC didn

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Is she wrong?


--- Quote from: Sir Thrift-a-Lot on June 28, 2019, 06:38:41 PM ---
Sure.   Nobody, especially AOC, ever said that America's border is a concentration camp. 
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Yes, she does.

And, specially for those, who are fans of AOC

However, these links are specially not from Fox or NYT.

Sir Thrift-a-Lot:
She did NOT say that the border is a concentration camp.   She said there are concentration camps at the border.   Just like I said when responding to the cartoon.   NOBODY is trying to fight their way into one of those camps.

America is the land of the free.   Of course people want to be here.   But nobody wants to be in one of those camps.   If you can't see the difference then there is probably little point in trying to educate you further.

There are evil men in positions of power in this country and every true American will stand up to them.   We always have.

Sir Thrift-a-Lot:
We used to be the light on the hill.   We stared the United Nations to try to get a unified force for good.   Now they are warning us.   It's heartbreaking.


Our current administration is full of international criminals.   That is the fact.

Sir Thrift-a-Lot:

--- Quote from: vpgh on July 02, 2019, 09:01:11 PM ---

--- End quote ---

That silly old codger says that nobody is being forced to be there.   Do these photos look like free people to you?


And he doesn't get to use his ethnicity as a carte blanche opinion on the matter.   Plenty of Jews disagree with him.



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