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Rotel RA-311 Volume Control Issues - Broken Spring?

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Sir Thrift-a-Lot:
We apologize for our wonky board.   Does that sound have any effect on the music playing?   To be honest, it just sounds to me like the arm sweeping over the contacts then making a click as it hits the end of it's run.   I don't know that there is anything actually "wrong".   I suggested DeOxit above.   If that sound bothers you I might suggest a similar spray called FaderLube.   It might lessen the friction and therefore reduce that sound.

I agree with STaL, but I have not heard a volume control that is that mechanically noisy.  Since I may have my computer volume too high, how loud is it?

The Rotel part# is 515121113 and it is described as a stereo 100k Ohm audio taper pot. Unless it is something very special either of these should work.


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