Bringing back a blast from the past...
The Mofi StudioDeck is the first all manual table I have owned. I can deal with manual starts, but not returning at the end just wasn't working. I started my search with the Q-up and if it were the only option I would have got one. I didn't care for the springy pop up. That's when I saw the little fwend and then the AT6006R Safety Raiser. Pricey, but the looks and function were spot on. Installation isn't easy if you have big fingers, but doable. The raiser, riser, whatever has to be reset each time or you'll get a "WTF, why is this record skipping" issue. Other than that, it's been perfect...well except that time I let the table run for almost 4 hours because I forgot the power button needs human input. They are pricey at $130, but cheaper than a new stylus.