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Newbie in need of advice


Hello all! So I recently inherited my dad's old stereo system. I want to get it up and running again. It was all in storage for about 20 years. I have cleaned the outside of the equipment and have used compressed air to blow out most of the loose dirt and debris. However, there is still a patina of gunk on the inside that does not blow off. I'm looking for recommendations on how I can efficiently clean this from the inside of the equipment.

Sir Thrift-a-Lot:
Use compressed air again but with a dry paint brush.   Go gently as you don't want to damage anything.   Then wipe the surfaces of the big caps and transformers with a paper towel dampened with rubbing alcohol.   

Check this out to see what can be done.

Thanks! I will give this a try. Google was no help in finding a useful answer. One search told me to put it in the shower.

I was once told Hewlett Packard used to wash the circuit broads (modular, I assume) of their equipment in for service before attempting diagnostic measurements.  However, I doubt they used a shower


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