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New turntable in vintage receiver issue

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Michael L:

--- Quote from: scorpio333 on December 20, 2021, 02:43:56 PM ---Does your headshell look like this?

If so, unscrew the barrel while holding the headshell firmly. Once removed, flip it over. You should see a red, white, green, blue set of wires. Make sure each wire goes to the correct post on the cartridge and is seated firmly. Reinstall.

Also, is the tracking force set within specs of the cartridge?

--- End quote ---
Yes, same type cartridge. I'll do my best to describe the wiring sequence in it. Looking at the back of stylus, coming from the needle, top left= wht, top rt= green, bottom left= red, bottom right= blue. Now looking at where the wires go to the 4 way pin top left= white, top rt= red, bottom left= blue, bottom rt= green. This viewing the headshell as it would be attached to tonearm with needle on bottom.

Sir Thrift-a-Lot:

--- Quote from: Michael L on December 20, 2021, 06:03:51 PM ---
--- Quote from: scorpio333 on December 20, 2021, 02:43:56 PM ---Does your headshell look like this?

If so, unscrew the barrel while holding the headshell firmly. Once removed, flip it over. You should see a red, white, green, blue set of wires. Make sure each wire goes to the correct post on the cartridge and is seated firmly. Reinstall.

Also, is the tracking force set within specs of the cartridge?

--- End quote ---
Yes, same type cartridge. I'll do my best to describe the wiring sequence in it. Looking at the back of stylus, coming from the needle, top left= wht, top rt= green, bottom left= red, bottom right= blue. Now looking at where the wires go to the 4 way pin top left= white, top rt= red, bottom left= blue, bottom rt= green. This viewing the headshell as it would be attached to tonearm with needle on bottom.

--- End quote ---

My Ortofon 2M blue (I'm pretty sure it's the same body) has colors painted next to the pins, so just check that to see if it's correct.   As far as the headshell goes, you can see the proper wiring configuration here.

http://www dot youtube dot com/watch?v=chUgF3PxV0w&t=130s

Sorry for having to mangle the address.   That's a bug in this board.   Just replace the word dot with a dot and you'll see the video.

Sir Thrift-a-Lot:
Let's see if this photo works...

Michael L:
Good video, thank you Sir. I'll put it to use next week when I'm home from travel. My wires match the sketch going into the 4 point pin in the tonearm but not coming from the headshell. I will call Fluance about all this next week. Thanks to all for the ideas and Merry Christmas to everybody.

Sir Thrift-a-Lot:
As long as they match at the headshell end the cartridge is color coded.


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