Author Topic: 1968 Magnavox Portable Micromatic Tutntable/Radio Sound Issues  (Read 5565 times)

Offline Matthitect

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I have been working on my Dad's old stereo, trying to get it working well and sounding good again.  I replaced the speakers and gave the whole system a thorough cleaning.  The turntable audio sounds great, except the treble and bass dials have little to no effect.  I replaced the filter capacitors and the radio has much less noise now, but it sounds weak and inconsistent.  I don't know if this has to do with analog tuner drift or if it would be worth replacing more capacitors.  I mainly use the turntable, but I would like to get the radio working well even though I don't use it much.

Any ideas or suggestions would be much appreciated.  I will be happy to provide any additional information to help.

Thanks in Advance,
Matthew C. Halbert

Offline quaddriver

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Re: 1968 Magnavox Portable Micromatic Tutntable/Radio Sound Issues
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2022, 09:29:50 AM »
filter caps as in the PS caps?

being a 1968 and lower on the totem pole that is likely a quasi-comp cap coupled set....find the output caps (bigger values 200-1000uF) with the neg side going to the speakers - swap THEM out first.

Then look at the caps near the tone controls - they will affect rolloff.