I think America has bigger fish to fry.
One of those fish is red and rhymes with China. Chinese people view the United States as a superpower in decline. Why? Because we mortgaged our asses off to the commies.
Right now, they won't adjust their currency for inflation. It's crushing the American market. Why can't we do anything about it? Because Ronald Reagan is dead.
Our welfare system is screwed from top to bottom. My parents in Fayette County have literally a dozen neighbors who collect welfare and disability, yet still manage to afford alcohol, cigarettes, tobacco, firearms, ammunition, and work under the table jobs. It's disturbing and highly frustrating to see my tax dollars supporting these scoundrels.
We need to get the hell off of oil, ASAP. The technology exists.
As far as this thread is concerned, if Washington can take away their religion, they can take away yours as well. If they can take away your religion, you can bet on what's next to go. Our guns.
Ideally, our government would not be large enough to be affiliated with this issue. This is a social matter, not a political one.