Author Topic: WTT: Pioneer PL-516 for a different TT  (Read 4041 times)

Offline paden501

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WTT: Pioneer PL-516 for a different TT
« on: August 13, 2010, 06:15:28 PM »
Hey all,

I'm playing around with my configuration again and I'm thinking about trading away my Pioneer PL-516 turntable for something different.

If anybody is interested in a swap or partial swap, shoot me a message.


--- My System ---
Front L/R: Polk Audio SDA-1C w/ Modified xovers
Amp: Carver TFM-24
CD: Jolida JD100a
HTR/Pre: B&K Reference 20
Turntable:Pioneer PL-516 W/ Shure M97xe
Surrounds -Polk Audio Monitor 4As