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Pioneer sx 828 rumble down below


So I picked up an sx828 recently with a couple issues. First, the illumination button wasn't working. I didn't plan on dimming anyway so I just completed the circuit.... Problem solved.
The problem now is whenever the bass is adjusted, I get a rumble. It just happens on one channel, but it is so bad that it trips the protection circuit and the relay clicks off. I haven't gotten too deep into it, but based on my description would you lean towards a falty dial or something else?

Are all the pots clean?  Can the tone controls be defeated?  Call me tomorrow night.

So, I went to hit it with some deox and pfft ... out. I'm gonna pick some up tomorrow and see if that does the trick. My fingers are crossed, but I'm thinking because of the severity it's going to be something else. Tone controls can't be defeated, but there is a LP filter that can be engaged while adjusting the bass which helps. I just want the problem fixed though.

I blew about half a can of Deoxit onto the pot and it cleared up about 90 percent of the issue. There is still a little bit of rumble, but the speaker cone's not bouncing around like Pamela's hooters in baywatch anymore and the amp's not cutting out anymore. Think I'll give it one more hit tonight and be done with it.


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