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need help with projection screen tv
i got a 60" prjection screen tv from my dad and i guess when it was moved that the projection guns inside are now a little off. i have been trying for over a year now and cant get the picture fully aligned. it has a good picture and is the main part of my home theater but it needs fixed. any help would be appriciated. please let me know.
Are you using the remote control to align the red and blue guns to a grid? The green gun is usually not least on the Mitsubishi rear projectors I used to own.
I have a tad of experience with this with Mitsubishi rear projection piece. What brand/model is it? I assume you tried the standard convergence screen in the setup and it was not enough? Are you up to messing with the service menu?
Its a zenith 52" rear projection. I am using the service knobs on the board that flips out from the bottom center of the tv behind the speake baffels. It has a set of gree, red, and blue knobs for each color but I cannot get it right. Been doing it for a year now. I am ready to chuck it. Anyone want it? Sell for 50 bucks. Pick up only. Pm me if u want it. Works but needs convergence done.
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