General Banter > The Circular File

What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?

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Thanks!  I am queuing up on Rhapsody now.


--- Quote from: thuffman03 on May 20, 2010, 12:08:29 AM ---Thanks!  I am queuing up on Rhapsody now.

--- End quote ---
Whoa! What a coincidence!

That's her name!

Sitting here listening to Seventh Sojourn by The Moody Blues on a Turntable feeding into a Marantz 2225. I've gone 30 years back in time and love it. No remote, no replay, having to get off my butt to flip the album. I had forgotten just how wonderful the sonics are with vinyl, especially the depth.

Just may have a CD burning party.......

Good choice

Darn...Rhapsody does not have it. :(


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