I did not know anything about him - and I get some crazy recommendations from others that shall go unnamed.
I went to the salesforce.com conference in SFO and discovered he was hired as part of the warm up bands for Foo Fighters. I could not care less for the Foo Fighters stage activity, but this Gary guy made good music. I recorded video of a bunch of it, only to find my Canon cam audio levels were set too high. Video is great but sound is almost constant clipping.

I like the sound, the lyrics, and his stage approach (a guitar string broke in the middle of a song, he quickly wrapped it around the neck and continued playing like nothing happened - a pro).
The intensity of the mid-basss eating wight in front of teh band was amazing. Thinking about way to get that to happen in my system, maybe a full blast PA pararell setup?
Oh well, Mr. Clark is good.