Vintage HiFi Audio Forum

Audio Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: fhawk618 on January 08, 2013, 10:16:15 AM

Title: NEC AUA 8000e Integrated Amplifier
Post by: fhawk618 on January 08, 2013, 10:16:15 AM
After prompting by the "boss", I'll actually post a thread here... Always been intrigued by that little bastard on the shelf, so I took it home and ran it through it's paces... a little beast. Did a little research, and it is a rare and sought after piece... not too many 75wpc integrateds weigh in at almost 40 lbs and feature dual PS transformers. Sounded great on some JBL studio monitors hooked up to the TV/DVD/BluRay... ran some concert videos. Unfortunately, it isn't going anywhere soon... brought it back to it's rightful home, where it will stay ad infinitum... go to the shop and torture him with wads of money for it... it is probably one of the most unknown and underrated piece of gear that he has. But as a side note, it was also marketed under the JC Penny MCS brand in a silver faced version... so keep an eye out at those thrift stores for those "junk" store-brand pieces...
Title: Re: NEC AUA 8000e Integrated Amplifier
Post by: OCCD on January 09, 2013, 05:28:49 PM
I want one!!! >:D >:D >:D
Title: Re: NEC AUA 8000e Integrated Amplifier
Post by: Albert on January 27, 2013, 12:15:10 PM
Got myself a NEC - AUA AUK AUT 8000E ( Amp- Cassette -Tuner ) set at Xmas from Innovative Audio in Surrey BC Canada (neat shop) I was going to get a Sansui 7070 but that NEC set was just to good to pass up.