Vintage HiFi Audio Forum
Buy Sell Trade Audio Equipment => Home Audio Equipment in the Burgh => Topic started by: Slim-Shaddy on March 23, 2013, 04:25:05 PM
Infinity Overture 1 speakers $250
Infinity Center $40
Cerwin Vega SUB-150 $120
Jamo model 98 $120
Energy Pro 22 $200
Call or text 412-607-9three08
Those Overtures are very nice, I have been tempted by them before. Good luck on the sale!
Pending sale on the Energys. Also, Esteban pointed out that I didn't mention that the Overture 1s come on factory strands. This pic will give you an idea. I'm also including a pic of the woofer on the sub.
Energys are sold.
Dam... I missed the Energy 22's.
Going to big Tom
Someone needs to buy the Infinitys. They are beyond impressive for their size.
If nobody wants the Jamo's, i will take them.
Ok. Elijah is debating between them and the Signets. I will let you know.
Good luck on your sale, those Infinity's are definitely cool. I can imagine they sound great.
Infinity ovtr1s sold.
Jamos sold.
CV sub humming... going to the shop for repair... or part out. Haven't yet decided.
Only thing left is the center channel.
Sub is sold. I think his wife liked the hummmmmmmmmmmmmm ???
Subwoofer hum is like tinnitus, it will drive you insane over time. Me, I am already crazy, undergoing treatment. :-\
I have another pair of the Overtures for sale. Since I sold a pair recently, I figure I'll use the same ad for pictures. These come with stands as well.
Just adding that I am open to trades. I'm especially looking to try new cartridges for my turntable.