Vintage HiFi Audio Forum

Buy Sell Trade Audio Equipment => Home Audio Equipment in the Burgh => Topic started by: StephenWVU on May 07, 2013, 01:03:23 AM

Title: might need a new audio rack
Post by: StephenWVU on May 07, 2013, 01:03:23 AM
Well, as my collection has grown my space seems to be pretty much gone. Components I would like to have on this super rack would include a Carver C-19 pre, 2x Golden Tube SE 100 amps, my VPI HW19 mk 3 turntable, McIntosh MCD 7008 CD player, Snell SPA 750 subwoofer amp, McIntosh MR78 tuner, and my panamax max 500 DVD line conditioner. Right now I have all but the second tube amp piled into my poor, overstuffed rack. I am debating building a super rack, buying a super rack, or just trying to get a second rack and find the space and cables long enough to connect everything to the preamp. All help appreciated.

Title: Re: might need a new audio rack
Post by: SunnyDaze on May 07, 2013, 01:27:59 AM
I'm actually in the market for a new rack.

What are you doing with the old one?
Title: Re: might need a new audio rack
Post by: StephenWVU on May 07, 2013, 01:33:54 AM
If you need one I can probably sell it pretty cheap.  It is a good rack and able to hold a lot as made clear.  I just want a wider taller rack.  That way I might be able to stack some things side by side and have room for everything.
Title: Re: might need a new audio rack
Post by: SunnyDaze on May 07, 2013, 02:12:41 AM
Possibly. I need something for my bedroom at my parents house for weekend visits. It doesn't have to be large, just enough to hold a receiver, TT, and cd player.

Send me a picture or two if you've got time, maybe we can work something out!
Title: Re: might need a new audio rack
Post by: treos33 on May 07, 2013, 08:47:38 AM
I have a rack I was planning on selling. I can post some pictures tonight.

I also just built at fleXy rack: (

I actually made it for my home theater though so I used 2'x4' sheets of 3/4" birch plywood and (4) 3/4" dia x 2' all-thread rods as the legs. Turned out pretty cool looking.
Title: Re: might need a new audio rack
Post by: papabearjew on May 07, 2013, 10:24:10 AM
I wish I knew how to post pictures here. My wife is awesome. Since I'm stuck at home most of the time she let me take over an 8' wide floor to ceiling section of a wall in our living room for hifi stuff. She even let me take down my Infinity speaker system (2 satellites & a subwoofer) and replace them with some real floor speakers, McIntosh XD-717 (bought from bearjew when he got his Carver AL3 + (modded).  He wouldn't even give me a family discount haha. I believe these speakers used to belong to Slim-Shaddy before bearjew got them. For me they're keepers. I love them.
Title: Re: might need a new audio rack
Post by: Rockman Rock on May 07, 2013, 11:39:21 AM
Bless the wives that share house space with gear! I share the sittin room.

Hard to beat a flexy rack. I have one in the downstairs retro system.
Title: Re: might need a new audio rack
Post by: Rockman Rock on May 07, 2013, 11:44:56 AM
( (

papa, you could get yourself an account at photobucket, upload pics to it and then link to them. Photobucket is free but you have to endure ads while uploading. Other photo sites exist but I'm not familiar with them. (
Title: Re: might need a new audio rack
Post by: SunnyDaze on May 07, 2013, 11:50:33 AM
Is that a Yamaha CT 800? Great tuner!
Title: Re: might need a new audio rack
Post by: Rockman Rock on May 07, 2013, 12:06:01 PM
Yes! CT-800 tuna, CA-800 integrated, a re-belted TC-720 cassette deck and Mitsubishi LT 5v vertical spinner. Polk Monitor 7A with peerless tweets. Usually on stands but one was getting fixed.
Title: Re: might need a new audio rack
Post by: StephenWVU on May 07, 2013, 01:53:12 PM
I think I might go the flexi rack approach.
Title: Re: might need a new audio rack
Post by: non-prophet on May 07, 2013, 04:40:46 PM
I have one for $20, but it only has 4 of its 5 glass shelves.  In good shape.  I have it listed somewhere on here if you want a pic.  let me know. N
Title: Re: might need a new audio rack
Post by: schwarcw on May 07, 2013, 07:11:14 PM
Hey Rich!

The Yammies have me spurtin' wood!  That vertical TT looks awesome!

Is that a lighted computer case or a blue lava lamp in the background? >:D
Title: Re: might need a new audio rack
Post by: schwarcw on May 07, 2013, 07:12:44 PM

Rockman, show us the pics of the big system!

I dare you to show us that DAC! 8)
Title: Re: might need a new audio rack
Post by: Kingman on May 07, 2013, 07:30:24 PM
Mitsubishi LT 5v vertical spinner
...I likey!!! Had a Technics one before but it didn't work! Damn it!!! is my Phase Linear 8000 series 2 coming along??????  ???
Title: Re: might need a new audio rack
Post by: Rockman Rock on May 07, 2013, 07:43:58 PM
Hey Rich!

The Yammies have me spurtin' wood!  That vertical TT looks awesome!

Is that a lighted computer case or a blue lava lamp in the background? >:D

Hey Carl! The yammy stuff sounds good but doesn't have that Marantz classy look!

It's an old water cooled overclocked duallie 'putie. Really made a splash back in the day when I was invloved with a web site devoted to cooling. Two 10K SCSI drives in RAID0. Now a single SATA drive can kick its ass for output.
Title: Re: might need a new audio rack
Post by: Rockman Rock on May 07, 2013, 07:46:43 PM
Mitsubishi LT 5v vertical spinner
...I likey!!! Had a Technics one before but it didn't work!

Thanks! The belts had turned to goo but after clean and lube worked great! A video of it in the upstairs system... (
Title: Re: might need a new audio rack
Post by: Rockman Rock on May 07, 2013, 07:48:19 PM

Rockman, show us the pics of the big system!

I dare you to show us that DAC! 8)

The upstairs system? I'll put something up in members systems and the DIy thread.
Title: Re: might need a new audio rack
Post by: ST-Rider on November 22, 2013, 03:48:30 PM
( (

papa, you could get yourself an account at photobucket, upload pics to it and then link to them. Photobucket is free but you have to endure ads while uploading. Other photo sites exist but I'm not familiar with them. (

Nick rack...mind if I ask what specifically you used, and where you sourced everything? I'd like to build one just like it.


Title: Re: might need a new audio rack
Post by: Rockman Rock on November 23, 2013, 12:27:50 AM
Greetings NomadRider. Thx, but I can't take credit for building it.

That is a Salamander Archetype 5.0 rack I bought used on craigslist a long time ago. I've seen long threaded rods at the local Home Depot, but not in this size. IIRC they topped out at 1/2" USS thread.

Here is an old link I had saved. Looks like they sourced the larger 5/8" threaded rod at McMaster Carr. (