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PoLiTiCs => What's on your cranium??? => Topic started by: typethisin on October 14, 2010, 07:14:31 PM

Title: pa state senate voting on and amendment for the castle doctrine. opinions?
Post by: typethisin on October 14, 2010, 07:14:31 PM
The pa state senate will be voting on an extension amendment of the castle doctrine. The doctrine assists law abiding citizens from prosecution if someone comes to your home and threatens your life you may retaliate in deadly force with anything at your disposal I.e. A baseball bat or gun. So if you get a person breaking into your home and using a gun for example, you can terminate them with extreme prejudice and be immune to prosecution and civil litigation from the criminal or their family.
   Where this ends is when you leave your home and are in a public place, if you have ur life threatened, you are required to flee or run away. If u retaliate you can be prosecuted and face civil charges also due to the current laws.
The new amendment is to make the castle doctrine extend to public places so that you can defend yourself if someone threatens to take your life and not be prosecuted.

How do you feel about this?

And what do you think will happen if obama tries to veto it?

I for one don't want to have to run and get shot in the back.
Title: Re: pa state senate voting on and amendment for the castle doctrine. opinions?
Post by: Falcon on October 14, 2010, 08:19:02 PM
Break into my house, and see what you get.  I don't care if you are armed or not.  You will not leave alive.  :D :D
Title: Re: pa state senate voting on and amendment for the castle doctrine. opinions?
Post by: thuffman03 on October 14, 2010, 11:19:14 PM
I have not read the bill, saying that I am for it right now.  But until I read it and see all the other crap they will tag along with it, that will be another post at some point.
Title: Re: pa state senate voting on and amendment for the castle doctrine. opinions?
Post by: F1nut on October 15, 2010, 01:24:01 AM
I wish we even had a castle doctrine in this blue state. The funny thing about this being a blue state is that most of the counties are red, but the two most heavily populated are blue, with one having a collective IQ of 90 and the highest crime rate in the entire state.....go figure. Anyway, how they vote usually carries.

Where I live, we have very little crime. Probably because the criminals know that they will end up in a corn field, cow pasture or have a date with the pigs. We call it the agriculture doctrine.

All that said, I like PA's extension amendment of the castle doctrine idea.

Title: Re: pa state senate voting on and amendment for the castle doctrine. opinions?
Post by: SunnyDaze on October 15, 2010, 02:53:37 AM
Perryopolis and Perry Township have NEVER had a crime problem, until recently. There have been nearly two dozen armed home intrusions. There's no pattern. Day, night, home, on vacation, they just come in.

A friend who is a detective for the City suggested an interesting theory: As new prisons are being build in areas such as Brownsville and Waynesburg, crime is soon to follow. Think about it, someone is incarcerated, and they have their "homies" or their "posse" or whatever the hip term is these days follow them to that area, ie Uniontown, Belle Vernon, etc... and they set up shop from there.

Breaking into homes out here is NOT smart. I've got a P89 under my bed, a 12 ga in my study / listening room, a .357 in the den upstairs, and a few more strategically located around the house, plus the contents of the safe are ready to rock and roll. The catch, compared to some of my friends out this way, I'm nowhere near a "gun person". Breaking into homes in this area is plain foolish. There are folks out here who sit up night after night just waiting for this sort of thing to happen.

As far as the Castle Doctrine is concerned, I wonder how many Senators homes are invaded annually?

Or perhaps this is part of Obamunism... After all, yours IS the new mine.

Title: Re: pa state senate voting on and amendment for the castle doctrine. opinions?
Post by: OCCD on October 15, 2010, 01:29:56 PM
Even though we don't allow crime or mosquitoes in Franklin Park, I am for it. The obligation to retreat is bull shit. That is what we have here right now.
Title: Re: pa state senate voting on and amendment for the castle doctrine. opinions?
Post by: Turtle on October 15, 2010, 02:09:22 PM
Actually, we allow crime in Franklin Park but none exists due to the fact that it is known that criminals will be met with a disproportionate response from concerned citizens such as Tom!  ;D
Title: Re: pa state senate voting on and amendment for the castle doctrine. opinions?
Post by: typethisin on October 15, 2010, 06:01:19 PM
i cant beleive that up to now in a public place pa has adopted the french method when it comes to confrontation. its like polititions are against people having the power to protect themselves. i would like to see all the people who want to take guns away from law abiding citizens put a sign in their yards that says, "this is a gun free zone..." and see how long before they get an unwelcomed visitor who most likely have a gun. then we would see their view on gun control laws change in a new york minute. i laugh, they can have my guns when they pry them from my cold dead hands...