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The Circular File / Re: Happy Thanksgiving!
« Last post by geoffr on November 24, 2023, 05:15:39 PM »
It?s Friday and I?m not counting calories today, either.
The Circular File / Re: Happy Thanksgiving!
« Last post by MacGeek on November 24, 2023, 09:35:30 AM »
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well
The Circular File / Happy Thanksgiving!
« Last post by Vpgh on November 23, 2023, 11:36:03 AM »
I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your day today with families and friends!
Don't bother to counting calories today :)
TUBES TUBES TUBES / Re: Tube tester
« Last post by bmwr75 on September 10, 2023, 05:16:03 PM »
Rumor has it Tom Z lives in MS now.

According to his FB he is now in Bonita Springs, Florida.

Think he did live in FL for a while.  He lives in Amory, MS now is what I've been told.
General Discussion / Re: Why do you think this site never took off?
« Last post by bmwr75 on September 10, 2023, 05:14:15 PM »
Tom lives in MS about an hour away from me now.  Lots of the original members of this forum have moved to other states since it was created, including me 9 years ago.
What's on your cranium??? / Jimmy Buffett
« Last post by MacGeek on September 03, 2023, 08:27:46 AM »
RIP Jimmy Buffett.  You will be missed
120 inch Elite Screens acoustically transparent screen.   Speakers can be placed behind the screen and sound passes through the screen material.  Also can be used without speakers behind it.  Comes with mounting hardware

Very good condition.  Black velvet 2.5 inch boarder. 

Pick up only in Upper Saint Clair/Pittsburgh 15241
General Discussion / Re: Why do you think this site never took off?
« Last post by rgpit on August 30, 2023, 09:23:40 PM »
Tom moved out of the Pgh area and now lives in the deep south. I was an active regular here on VHIFI but found it was getting too argumentative and lost focus on objectivity. Now I spent a lot of time on the Audio Science Review forum. It is quite active.

BTW. We also moved and now live out west in Colorado.
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