« Last post by 2252PP on June 10, 2023, 03:28:06 PM »
Hi there. My name is Paul. 56 years old, I have been a music fan and equipment buff since I was about 8 years old. My dad had lots of neat equipment when I was a pup. I remember his (VERY) old Fisher receiver and Gerard turn table and Sony reel to reel he had from around 1972! After a few break ins at our house, he bought a Marantz 2230, another Gerard turntable and speakers that I cannot recall.
After another round of break ins, he bought a Marantz 2252B, a Dual turntable (both of which I still have) and Bozak Speakers (All I remember is that they had REAL WALNUT furniture and 12" woofers) I am now trying to find pics of all the equipment I had, from my first Realistic amplifier all the way to my current Denon AV receiver. Glad to be hear. I hope I can both learn things as well as share my own knowledge.