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General Discussion / Re: Happy Thanksgiving
« Last post by Sir Thrift-a-Lot on November 24, 2022, 10:06:46 PM »
You both as well.
Repair / Help / Technics RS-M260 - no recording/erase whatsoever
« Last post by Errilhl on November 24, 2022, 02:38:16 PM »
So... I know a little bit about measuring and fault-finding, but I am still a novice, so bear with me.

Symptoms as follows: Everything seems to work - level meters, level adjustment for recording, selector switches, buttons - everything works, clicks etc.

However, when I hit "record" nothing happens. It has a light that is supposed to turn on when recording, this does not turn on. If I go to tape-monitor, it plays what is already on the tape - ie, no erasing what is on there, and no recording of new content.

It has a record mute button - this works (tested continuity while pressed and not) - has no effect on the actual recording (it still doesn't work) - I was hoping this button might've been stuck, but it doesn't seem this is the culprit.

All other functions work fine, play, ff/rew, etc. After looking through the service manual, I found a few test points, which (if I read the manual correctly), should give some voltages when measured. They do not. It is flat at 0, which I assume means they do not get power at all. But that is kinda where my knowledge of reading schematics and such end.

Anyone able to take a look at the service manual, and maybe suggest some things / places I can test measure, to see if I can pinpoint where the problem occurs? Looking at the board / components, I can't see any indicators of anything wrong - caps look good, everything else look good, no burnmarks, nothing.

Nothing gets overly hot either, while it is turned on, so no obvious shorts, it seems.

Service Manual

So, I was hoping someone could point me to some things I can test, measure, etc. Note that I while I do have an oscilloscope, I've never played with it, and know next to nothing about it, so preferably stuff I can do with a multimeter.
General Discussion / Re: Happy Thanksgiving
« Last post by Vpgh on November 24, 2022, 02:01:53 PM »
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
General Discussion / Happy Thanksgiving
« Last post by Jim Pittsburgh on November 24, 2022, 11:24:26 AM »
Happy Thanksgiving guys. Enjoy the holiday!
General Discussion / Re: Records $15 at Walmart
« Last post by Sir Thrift-a-Lot on November 16, 2022, 10:53:45 PM »
Great tip.   Thanks.
General Discussion / Records $15 at Walmart
« Last post by scorpio333 on November 16, 2022, 05:39:35 PM »
Outside of any box sets, ALL the records at Walmart are $15. I got the latest Let it Be and Police Greatest Hits (originally $45). If they had Beatles 1, I would have grabbed that. They had some Zeppelin, Adele, Metallica, Plant/Krauss, Stapleton.
Home Audio Equipment in the Burgh / Guitar show
« Last post by MacGeek on November 11, 2022, 09:15:27 AM »
General Discussion / CDs for sale at Peters Twp Library
« Last post by Jim Pittsburgh on November 10, 2022, 04:19:42 PM »
I was at the Peters Twp library last night, and they are selling CDs for 4 for $1. There had to be close to 500 CDs for sale last night. LOL  I picked up 14. Most are withdrawn CDs from their huge collection. Frigging $.25 apiece makes it a no brainer lol. I did not find any SACDs, but I did not look through the classic albums, or anything ethnic. LOL they even have them split up and labled by type of music.... never seen that one before. Enjoy the music!
« Last post by MacGeek on November 05, 2022, 09:40:29 AM »
No affiliation.  However, I have talked with and met this guy, in Irwin.  He is a tech and seems legit.

Welcome Wagon / Re: Hey there
« Last post by scorpio333 on November 03, 2022, 02:20:32 PM »
You can also search for Genesis Physics drivers, though most searches will end up right back at Human. I'm currently listening to a pair of Genesis Physics 20's in my living room stereo. I have another pair of Genesis 1's. Two good cabs, two good tweeters, only one good 8" driver. If any of those parts help you out, let me know.
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