I was hesitant at first, but then I used the digital sound meter to test out the actual effect. It indicates a 10db improvement. So it is probably worth it in that context.
MacGeek pints out the need for further investigation on the 120V side of things. So I may explore using an isolation transformer of some sort or improving the quality of the ground by hammering a new one into - well - the ground. If the 120V side of the problem were fixed, the 10dbs of the Iso Max (and the undesired extra filtering in the signal path) would be irrelevant.
But one thing left out is the incredible sensitivity to ground noise my particular Sunfire sub has. If I add up all the money and time I have invested in quieting down that sub I could probably buy a pair of Fathom F113s. On the other hand, it gives me an excuse to drop by the shop. My wife, who has little knowledge or interest in audio, has gotten to asking me if the sub is humming again whenever I tell her I need to go to the shop (I say "yes - I need Anders to take a look at it", though I am often going for some other reason, usually a free beer with Tom in exchange for a gallon of diesel
). So the investigation continues. One test I will try is swapping in the Emp Teks to see if they are as finicky.