The PEARL tube coolers are excellent heat sinks. Now the pre-section tubes are low power & the C-19 uses 'soft-start' so there is not as great an issue with heat degradation, but these are OS Mulards (from Tom) that I want to last as long as possible.
Interesting reading on tubes & the effects of heat here, for those interested. PEARL's also act as dampers, which affects vibration & 'micro-dynamics' which low-power signal-level tubes demonstrate. Minimizing any vibration is a good thing in audio. More so for signal-level.
My friend Dan & I both noticed increased detail, imaging and a sense that the instruments had a more three dimensional quality. They were slightly, but noticeably more focused & yet removed from the speaker, more established in their own place in the air. Also, there was a V slight roll-off in the very upper end of the frequency, which worked well for my system.
Regarding the cork: Portuguese cork is the best in world (due to its climate).
Musician-grade is simply a grade rating for natural cork. It is the same stuff used for musical instruments like clarinets, saxes & other woodwind instruments.
Again, the reason for using cork is vibration control.
I have used it in all my gear for transformers & IC boards.
Dan & I have found it increases blackness (it makes passages with no sound quieter) & adds detail to subtitle elements like the shimmer of top-hats & cymbals & increases decay. You will notice it on well recorded piano immediately.
The mu-metal is amazing.
By far the most cost effective upgrade I have yet come across.
I put it on all my gear, digital, amps pre, everything.
Many super hi-end units use it to isolate nasty stuff coming off of high-power elements that contaminate sensitive components like chips, caps & resistors.
Nothing new, but seldom implemented on mid-level gear.
Other companies will totally isolate the high-power sections in separate chassis.
Put in the mu-metal yourself gets you a little closer to the last 2% of what is achievable.
Dan & found it gives much tighter, musical sounding bass, better detail, imaging & separation.
One of the first things you will notice is how the sound stage goes way back behind the speaker.