"Opinions subject to change without notice, your milage may vary."
Just trying to toss some extra points of view around.
My HiFi… version 2.0.
just a quick rundown on some of the equipment I use on a daily basis.
I am really pleased with this setup, and may keep it this way for a bit.
Preamp - Sansui 2000x. Circa early 70s
As you probably guessed, I really like Sansui's offerings of this era.
Built like a tank, solid design, simple, distinctive sound.
All of what you need and none of what you don't.
Offers surprisingly good sound on 40 year old components.
They still very serviceable and can be had for very little coin.
Next, amplifier. 2 Carver TFM15-CBs, Bridged Mono for 280w x2.
Given the audience here, I don't feel the need to go into why I like these.
I was fortunate enough to pick up two of these in minty condition, great to listen to, and to look at.
Full, rich, Carver sound.
In bridged mode, these guys loaf along effortlessly delivering the 50-75 watts I ask for.
the cabinets don't even get warm.
CD Player - Carver DTL200 - MKII
Made 1987, this CDP has great sound.
It also has the Digital Time Lens circuitry onboard.
I didn't think I would have the need for DTL, or use it often… not true.
I find that DTL adds a whole other dimension to CDs that I have recorded from vinyl.
also it has an absolutely silent and smooth moving CD tray.
What can I say, little things make me happy.
Tube Buffer - Musical Fidelity X10-D
I like this thing, it really takes the edge off.
not only can you hear a difference, but I notice that the power meters on the amp are far less spastic.
It does add quite a bit of gain, and I had to change levels to accommodate it.
I still plan on getting a new set of tubes, and re-evaluating. So far though, I like it.
Speakers - Yamaha NS-690
Fantastic. I did a post on these when I got them.
my opinion hasn't changed.
Obligatory pic… the stuff on the top shelf will have to wait for the tube post