Ahhh yes, parts are finally coming in for my new system. My buddy Pete Fulton is building it and I though I would post some pics of it in progress

First we start with the pre-amp chassis

This is what I like about Pete, notice how all of the ground straps are cut to the exact length and neatly soldered in place

Again all of the wires are cut to exact specific lengths and neatly organized

The problem with Pete's builds i that all of this nice work gets covered up and nobody sees the quality of his work

Even things like the source selector connecting rod get polished. I'm not sure, but I think that is what he is doing there, based on past builds

This is where he is right now. He'll begin work on the mono blocks as we wait for the signature parts to come in

This is the system that is getting upgraded. I have the rack in place and I am waiting for the new amp stands. I also have the new Eastern Electric DAC in place
Now Pete's working on the mono blocks