« on: February 05, 2011, 09:57:57 PM »
Bell and Howell console Hi-fi from 1957. Williamson type mono amp with tuner and preamp mounted to a board that slides into the console. Has a garrard rc-80 that needs a couple belts. Just had it repaired and the FM sounds really good. Preamp has a ton of EQ settings and the scope is really cool. Console has 2 twelves and a horn, but I don't know who makes them yet. Console is kind of ugly, so I may have a cabinet made for the electronics. Will take some pics of the entire console when I get it back together.

Things I'll keep: Fisher 500c, Sherwood S-3000, Scott LK-72,Scott 222, Pioneer SX-1250, Carver M500t, Garrard A70MkII, Thorens TD-145, Bozak B4000's, AR2-Ax's, AR-19's, Teac X-10R.
Things I'll sell sometime:, Sherwood S-8000, Magnepan MG1c, KLH Model 5,Scott 222c,