Author Topic: Klipsch Heresy's  (Read 9558 times)

Offline Dazed

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Klipsch Heresy's
« on: March 04, 2011, 01:59:44 PM »
Vintage Hi Fi Members:

I have been a member of this forum for more than a year, enjoying everyone’s posts, photos, comments, etc and have never felt a need to post.  Many of you know me and have even been welcomed in my home.  I hope everyone has found me a reasonable guy.  Some have bought/traded equipment from/with me, and I have bought or traded equipment from/with you.   I think I have always been fair and reasonable in all my deals, lowering prices when asked and even giving stuff away to some of you.
Dale and I have been working together for about a year, trying to build our systems up, buying what we can afford from CL and even spending more than we should to help someone out on occasion.  We always pay at that time or at the agreed upon schedule.  People owe us money, we wait patiently and never hassle anyone.  We have lent equipment to many people. 

I considered this forum a place to meet new people and make some new friends, something that is not very easy for me.  Lately, I have begun to notice a serious trend that affects my and everyone’s hobby, and has me wondering if I even want read the forum anymore, cause  it just makes me mad!
I don’t understand why everyone tries to snipe on CL.  All you are doing is turning CL into Epay!  Example, the Marantz was 75, and I emailed.  If someone lists something for a price I can afford, I don’t beat him up, but I don’t offer more than he asks.  Some chump (I don’t remember who)  on this forum admitted to offering  150, now the guy wants 500!  This is not the first time this happened to me!  Had I got this for 75 and decided to sell it, I would have given a much better price or even traded possibly.
You folks are ruining CL!!! 
Before I post my Heresy’s for 325, does anyone want to give me 700?

Have a nice day. :-*

Offline confused

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Re: Klipsch Heresy's
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2011, 02:02:57 PM »

I will give you a 1000.

Can you post some pics.


Dale ;D

-Still Smoking!-

Offline Falcon

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Re: Klipsch Heresy's
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2011, 02:12:25 PM »
Hey Hal, I will give $1,001.      8) 8) 8)

Snipers do suck.
  And it is about time you start posting on here.   And Hal and Dale are good guy's, I have some of their equipment here on loan, or storage or something..

Offline Falcon

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Re: Klipsch Heresy's
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2011, 02:16:15 PM »
I will trade you a personally autographed by Bob Carver, Phase Linear power amp for those speakers.

Offline Dazed

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Re: Klipsch Heresy's
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2011, 02:18:44 PM »
Thanks for the offer Mike!

But I am thinking of raising the price to 1200, because there is so much interest. :-\

Thanks for the offer, but I am getting a PL 700b and matching 4000 pre this weekend.

That means the Denon monoblocks are up for sale!

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Re: Klipsch Heresy's
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2011, 02:22:30 PM »
You guys are nuts.   ;D ;D

Offline Bill Cain

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Re: Klipsch Heresy's
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2011, 02:39:36 PM »

Before I post my Heresy’s for 325, does anyone want to give me 700?

Have a nice day. :-*

You seem like a reasonable guy, with a sense of humor.  But you've gotta realize that in the anonymous world of the Internet... some folks just get stupid... and greedy.

To worry about it is futile.

I bought a decent pair of Heresy's, through CL, from Vintage HiFi, for $250.  I bought another pair, through eBay, years ago, for $400.  I got a pair of mint KP-250's, with stands, through eBay, for $600.  I thought I got fair deals in all 3 transactions.

Life sucks, then you die.  Unless you ignore anonymous assholes.  I hope things work out for you.   ;D

Bill Cain

Offline Dazed

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Re: Klipsch Heresy's
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2011, 02:52:06 PM »

Just blowing some steam and having some fun. ;D

Do Not expect anybody to change.

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Re: Klipsch Heresy's
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2011, 03:40:07 PM »
I've got some left over peanuts in my pocket from the bar the other night and ......$16.42. HOW BOUT IT??????  :-*


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Re: Klipsch Heresy's
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2011, 03:42:12 PM »
Welcome Hal.

I've heard of you many times......beginning to think you were just an urban legend.   ;D

I'd like to offer you free storage services, it pisses me off when Mikey gets to store everybody's gear and nobody ever thinks of little ole me.   :P

Offline Reverend

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Re: Klipsch Heresy's
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2011, 03:47:34 PM »
I think we all have been on the losing side of a "sniper".  This site is definitely intended to be a place to speak your mind but a few things bother me about your post.

1) What is the story of paying $350 for that Fisher?  I was the first if not one of the first to e-mail about it and never got a response.  If you didn't offer more money then how did you know to pay $350?  Nobody I know on here or myself received a call or e-mail back saying, "hey this guy offered me $350, can you match that?".  I provided my phone number and said i could come right then and pick it up.  I didn't offer more money.  So how did your transaction go down?

2) You're a re-seller and I understand you need to make a proft but there are people out there that are collectors, they aren't looking to make a profit, just enlarge their collection.  You're looking at this issue as a retailer.  Does that make sniping right?  No, of course not.  But to put blame on people on this forum for your lack of cash flow is not right.

3) You singled out an individual (i remember the chat box user) and say it's a growing trend on this forum?  I don't know you or Dale, you both seem like good guys, but you've only posted here 11 times.  To make a statement that you question your involvement in this site is puzzling.  

This is me venting as well.  I'm glad that you felt strongly enough about this issue that you decided to post.  

Offline schwarcw

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Re: Klipsch Heresy's
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2011, 04:04:10 PM »
Hey Hal!

What's up?  Good to see you post.  You are a Pittsburgh Hifi gem!!

Offline Dazed

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Re: Klipsch Heresy's
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2011, 04:36:39 PM »
Hi Rev,

Different Fisher, picked up at a garage sale over 1 year ago, just joking!  On Ebay now if you want to bid.  I would not call myself a reseller, just ended up with too much stuff.  Occasionally you have to just thin out the collection to make room for something different.

I collect and always looking for a good deal, when I do sell it is at a reasonable price, and have traded and given away more than I ever sold!

I thought I was polite and humorous at the same time, not really trying to offend anyone.

Welcome to the venting post.

Offline Falcon

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Re: Klipsch Heresy's
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2011, 05:04:52 PM »
Come on BMWR you don't have any room to store anymore gear!!!   But, I will give some to store for me, if you want.

Offline confused

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Re: Klipsch Heresy's
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2011, 06:09:37 PM »
Hello Folks,

Thought I would help Hal out a little.  Do we sell some stuff, yes.  Do we give good deals and try not to leave people feeling screwed, yes.  Are we resellers, I don't think so.  Do we make a profit, not often!  We do not call ourselves the Audio Orphanage for nothing.  We just like to play different stuff for a while and pass it on.  We test and clean all equipment we buy and even guarantee it works as it should if we sell something.

We have list gear for reasonable prices.  We have bought,sold or traded with many folks and can say that we have never screwed any one.  Sold a set of Maggies, when the buyer did not like, gave him some Polks.

1. Pioneer receiver, turntable, speakers $125  (threw in some records)
2. Marantz 2238b and 4 bullnose Advents  $300 (Still have 4 other Marantz receivers, including 2385)
3. Polk SDA 2 $180 (paid 150, picked up in Columbus, fixed sda cord and replaced 1 woofer)
4.  9 Kappas  $700 ( Paid 425, picked up in Morgantown, and paid Steve to refoam 4 woofers ~200)

Time period for these sales, over the course of a year.  We do not sell stuff on a daily basis.

All this stuff we had in our collection for a year or more, before we tired of it.  And yes the Fisher was really part of a garage sale find and posted for a joke.


-Still Smoking!-