Man, some serious deals going on here. Ed's McIntosh for $450.00 what a great deal!!
Nick's Adcom GCD-750 For $350.00!! come on, that is a deal.. Not to mention Snell type B's, custom made VMPS speakers, And don't get me started on all that Melos gear!!!!!! And the Fairchild turntable with the Melos tube phono stage!! Rev has the great deal on the Project turntable. And possible sell of his Philips CD-80!!!
Not to mention all of the great deals going on at Toms shop!!!! Hey, he may be having a moving sale!! Always great deals on great equipment there!
Of course Mikey is extremely broke.

But, for those of you who are not broke.. It is a great time to be an Audio geek in Pittsburgh!!
Now go buy some of this great gear. I really wish I could buy it all.