Author Topic: CARVERFEST IS UPON US!!!!  (Read 30936 times)

Offline TNRabbit

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« Reply #45 on: September 21, 2011, 07:26:34 AM »
I posted a YouTube video of a portion of Bob & Alex troubleshooting George's second amp:

Bob Carver & Alex Sauter Part 2 of 2

I'll finish the upload later.

Carver SD/A-360 CDP feeding  Benchmark DAC-1
Sunfire Theater Grand-IV Processor/Sunfire Cinema Seven Signature Amp
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Offline TNRabbit

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« Reply #46 on: September 21, 2011, 07:27:46 AM »
It was great t
I think I totally forgot what it was like to have a vacation.
You guys have brought it back for me.


It was great to meet you, Anders.  You're my kinda geek~

Carver SD/A-360 CDP feeding  Benchmark DAC-1
Sunfire Theater Grand-IV Processor/Sunfire Cinema Seven Signature Amp
Ashly XR-1001 & Rane PEQ-15s biamping AL-IIIs

Offline Kingman

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« Reply #47 on: September 21, 2011, 07:35:46 AM »
I think I totally forgot what it was like to have a vacation.
You guys have brought it back for me.

Glad you enjoyed Carverfest!  8)

Offline TNRabbit

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« Reply #48 on: September 21, 2011, 08:00:35 AM »
Just wanted to share some reviews of Bob's new Amazing Line Source speakers from the folks over on CarverAudio:

treitz3 wrote:

The imaging characteristics Bob had talked about in the videos was a pleasant and very unexpected surprise in a room that was completely unfit for his vision. They were also brand spankin' new with zero hours of burn in with anything associated with all of the parts that went into the set we heard. Also, the tube crossover that is planned for these speakers was not present at the time of the audition and Bob hasn't even had the first set he and Leslie voiced brought to Washington for voicing in proper surroundings. The potential for these speakers is off the charts but it is of my observations that the timeline for audition was pushed to the limit and it is too soon for an observation worthy of said speakers.

Basically, what I am saying is that the speakers were missing key components. They were in the worst acoustical environment possible. The crossover tweaking has not been properly done yet and the tubed crossover is still a vision at this point, not a reality we actually heard while we were there.

They were designed for an 8' ceiling for no floor or ceiling reflections that create distortion [refer to video]. The ceiling at CF was at least 30 to 35' tall with a loft about 12 feet out at a height of 12-14'. Wood floors, wood walls, glass directly behind them and stone to the right of them. They were never really "set up" with the Sumiko setup, Cardas setup or any other set up for optimum sound due to time constraints with the tube amp build that took up most of CF to begin with.

It is of my opinion that any observation should be taken with an extreme grain of salt, considering these factors. It's like testing a Corvette's handling ability on a track that has oil on it, rain and everything that can be stacked against it concerning handling......and then having the privy few offer their evaluation of said Corvette's handling abilities.

I am looking forward to hearing the completed product and next year Carverfest will be all about the music.

angelod307 wrote:

and with all that said tom, i thought they are nothing short of the majestic kind of speaker that will be a tribute and leap forward once again from the imagination and soul of bob carver in the amazing line up. they sound awesome even in a disaster of a room and so smooth with a 20 wpc tube amp that was built that just made them sing. i already can't wait for the next addition of them next year if not sooner in florida. very clean built to say the least.

oconeeorange wrote:

Not an audiophile, but my thoughts are:

- They are very tall and impressive with the Star Wars feet.
- Instead of the big speakers at the bottom and the little speakers at the top, they are the same from top to bottom.
- The "s.w.e.e.t" spot covers a very large area.
- The sound is very big, kinda like a concert.
- The sound is detailed and clear.
- I sure wish I could afford them.

- As a side note, they were hooked to an excellent music server and incredible amps that I also cannot afford.

Martin1970 wrote:

The ribbons in these sound very similar to Amazings of old, Plats and IIIs. That's a good thing because with like 7 million of them in a line array, it's probably possible to eq them to sound like just about anything you want. The midwoofers achieved the intended effect; like Ohms, they just disappear into the room. It would be interesting to see the T/S parameters on them. One has to wonder if the extrusions will be sealed, or open, and what the impact is of so many speakers in such close proximity. The problem with listening to them was that James always has some kind of JL product on hand, so all ya' want to do is play bass tracks. My apologies to the teenagers. It was inappropriate to play Bassgasm at 3AM. Glad the roof survived.
Kudos to the Sauters for bringing these things together in basically no time at all with finished product quality in what is essentially a prototype. The fit and finish, second to none. The bases are absolutely perfect, with feet hewn from solid metal stock. You can probably climb these things if you want. They look very sturdy. We've all seen the assembly process and these solve the problem of wide speakers taking up massive amounts of space. Heck, with covers on the front, they can almost be disguised as structural supports.
All that said, if I owned a pair, I'd triamp them: one channel to the ribbons, one channel to the left midwoofer line, one channel to the right midwoofer line (per speaker). I'd time-align the whole shebang based on where I put them in the room and knock the gain WAY back on the ribbons. I mean there's enough ribbon there to rupture your skull. Seriously. Rupture it. Bang. It's gone.
Ultimately, I have no idea what these speakers will sound like. None of us can, really. One thing's for sure. These things are going to be VERY dependent on room placement. It'll be interesting to see how that is addressed in the end product. I'm sure the Bobs can make something that sounds heavenly with all the quality materials and exceptional craftsmen involved with this product.

TNRabbit wrote:

The build quality, as Martin noted, was EXCEPTIONAL. Of course, we've come to expect nothing less from James & company~ =D>

The bases are a work of art & functional to boot. They are VERY sturdy; surprisingly so for such tall speakers. They are also HEAVY as a MF...

I made some initial observations in another thread but can't put my finger on it right now. Essentially, GIANT sound stage, the ability to soak up astounding amounts of power with clarity & THEY JUST KEEP GETTING LOUDER! I can't fathom what they would be able to do with 2,000 watt monoblock amps~

I had an opportunity @ 2-3 a.m. in the morning to play around with the EQ a little. Necessary tweaking depends HEAVILY on how far back in the listening position you are. As Tom noted, the room here was a horrific place to try to get everything "just so" but even so the potential here is enormous. IMO, the first thing that needs to be done is to correct the mismatch between the woofers & the ribbons; there is a LOT more ribbon shrieking at you (in a good way) than woofer...they are just loafing. These need to be brought more in line with the sound of the CRM-2s, again, IMO.

James told me the straight impedance of the 22 woofers before the crossover was @ 2.6 ohms (correct me if I'm wrong here, James), which I believe is way too low & I think there needs to be a change in the wiring to fix this. I'm sure Bob will tell me if I'm full of shit here~

ANYWAY, I feel very privileged to have had the opportunity to play with them on a variety of music ("Swap Meet Louie" was particularly impressive~ :lol: ) & just to listen to the prototypes prior to final design was a rare treat I don't think I'll ever have again in this lifetime.

Thanks to Bob & James for all their hard work to pull off getting these done in RECORD time so we could salivate over them. James, If you'd just had the tubes connected to them, I'm sure we could have damaged your Fathom 112 trying to keep up~ :shock: :D

Carver SD/A-360 CDP feeding  Benchmark DAC-1
Sunfire Theater Grand-IV Processor/Sunfire Cinema Seven Signature Amp
Ashly XR-1001 & Rane PEQ-15s biamping AL-IIIs

Offline Reverend

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« Reply #49 on: September 21, 2011, 08:24:58 AM »
Good review Rabbit.  I did not have a chance to hear the new speakers but it sounds like it's a work in progress.  It was a great time all around and it was nice to meet everyone and put a face to a name.  Look forward to going back next year.

Offline TNRabbit

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« Reply #50 on: September 21, 2011, 09:18:25 AM »

Good review Rabbit.  I did not have a chance to hear the new speakers but it sounds like it's a work in progress.  It was a great time all around and it was nice to meet everyone and put a face to a name.  Look forward to going back next year.

DUDE!  How could you NOT get down there??!? 

Carver SD/A-360 CDP feeding  Benchmark DAC-1
Sunfire Theater Grand-IV Processor/Sunfire Cinema Seven Signature Amp
Ashly XR-1001 & Rane PEQ-15s biamping AL-IIIs

Offline gdv

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« Reply #51 on: September 21, 2011, 12:16:35 PM »

Glad you were able to take a vacation...  Sounds like you enjoyed it too! :)

Welcome back,
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Offline Reverend

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« Reply #52 on: September 21, 2011, 01:14:47 PM »

Good review Rabbit.  I did not have a chance to hear the new speakers but it sounds like it's a work in progress.  It was a great time all around and it was nice to meet everyone and put a face to a name.  Look forward to going back next year.

DUDE!  How could you NOT get down there??!?

I got stuck in the hot tub drinking Michael Collins, Victory Storm King and smoking Acid Kuba Kuba's and medicinal herbs.  It was rough....  8)  Throw in a freshly modded C-19, 3 Sunfire subs, a VPI Classic Turntable and a pair of Sunfire CRM-2's, it was tough to leave the Watershed.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2011, 01:19:17 PM by Reverend »

Offline Kingman

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« Reply #53 on: September 22, 2011, 06:55:57 AM » was tough down there eh Rev!!!  :laugh:...Glad you made it this year and was good to meet ya!!!  ;)

Offline MasterBlaster

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« Reply #54 on: September 24, 2011, 03:32:31 AM »
[smg id=26 type=album]
HT: Audiocontrol Maestro M3, Sunfire 5*200,  Tannoy Mercury MX , SVS PB-12 Sub

Head-Fi: FUBAR IV Plus DAC, Grado SR225

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Offline Zoot Horn

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« Reply #55 on: September 24, 2011, 02:59:08 PM »
sweet--just rolled some old RCA blackplates in mine--man,,what a surprising little amp--giant killer. 8)

Offline schwarcw

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« Reply #56 on: September 24, 2011, 11:04:31 PM »

What are those power tubes in that beautiful little amp?  GZ34's?



Offline Zoot Horn

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« Reply #57 on: September 25, 2011, 04:47:27 AM »
Hiya Carl,, the power tubes are 6BQ5's,,mine has some RCA blackplates that I had lying around,,listened to it again last night,,,powerful little jobbie for 18 watts or so,but very detailed and quiet.

Offline Reverend

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« Reply #58 on: September 26, 2011, 11:23:04 AM »

Offline OCCD

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« Reply #59 on: September 26, 2011, 04:24:57 PM »
What a crew!!! :o
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