All message boards/forums tend to develop in to a place where a few group up, rule the roost and slam others who might question or see life differently. As opposed to healthy debate, the forum 'safety net' is thrown over the 'asshole' by those who censor. On some forms like both main Carver sites, it is by management.

I agree that forums should be about friends, and understand how the weak will follow the leaders just to fit into the pack. That is just nature, and us audio geeks by nature tend to keep low. This board is kind of different as the people in power are like me--> too busy sampling the newest beer to give a squat.
They don't have control of the 'safety net' though. The members always control that.
People are different, and at some point, we all will disagree and anyone might become the 'asshole' the safety net is thrown over to protect the group. In my case it is not "if" I will piss you off, but "when".

I know it is not the way of the world, but I feel like if I am silent on anything, it means I approve, so I often question idiots when intelligent people know silence is the best way. Often I end up the idiot. I am OK when that happens because I learn new things about audio or maybe about life..
I am OK with that 'saftey net' to control the group. I don't like it, but I understand it.
The question is --