Author Topic: Put a hurtin' on my truck (& back) yesterday....  (Read 4212 times)

Offline TNRabbit

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Put a hurtin' on my truck (& back) yesterday....
« on: March 17, 2012, 03:18:50 PM »
....lwith 2 full loads of these by hand (by myself) & then rolling/carrying them to the bank of the river to shore up erosion...

The truck was on the bump stops (pretty damn close to a ton on there).

 This was for one of the finest people I know, BTW, not my place...

Carver SD/A-360 CDP feeding  Benchmark DAC-1
Sunfire Theater Grand-IV Processor/Sunfire Cinema Seven Signature Amp
Ashly XR-1001 & Rane PEQ-15s biamping AL-IIIs