Author Topic: I need your help to make VHFP better  (Read 18752 times)


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Re: I need your help to make VHFP better
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2012, 07:32:14 PM »
Put asking prices on everything that is for sale.  Last time I was in, I asked twice for a price on a DAC, never got an answer. was Saturday night and I forgot to ask a 3rd time.   ;D


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Re: I need your help to make VHFP better
« Reply #16 on: March 22, 2012, 07:35:48 PM »
Another thought......

As others have said or not: dejunk/declutter, clean the place up and create a nice listening space.

I hated seeing Bob's cherry red tube amps sitting on the floor covered in dust.......and I think a potato chip resting on one of them.

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Re: I need your help to make VHFP better
« Reply #17 on: March 22, 2012, 07:56:42 PM »
T... if you need a hand with anything, let me know. I'm usually available 4-5 nights a week. I just need to know a couple days in advance.
I am confident that an SL-1200 is capable of outperforming turntables of much higher expense with minor modification.

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Re: I need your help to make VHFP better
« Reply #18 on: March 22, 2012, 08:04:40 PM »
Continue to provide quality products & service with honesty at a fair price.  That will serve you well & ensure business flocks to your door. The rest is cake, dude!

You guys rock.

X2 and a little cleaning of shelf space

Vinnie Rossi L2SI integrated amp
Takatsuki 300B tubes
2 x Carver 275 Mono Block
Audience Front Row Bi wire Speaker Cables
Audience Front Row USB Cable
Audience Front Row RCA Cables
VPI Classic TurnTable (blk)
c/w Transfiguration Phoenix Cartridge
Auralic G2 server
B&W 803D3 (black)


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Re: I need your help to make VHFP better
« Reply #19 on: March 22, 2012, 10:00:50 PM »
Why don't "we" try to tackle one issue at a time based upon order of precedence?

In my opinion, first and foremost, the shop needs to physically organized and space needs to be maximized before anything else can fall into place. I don't have the time to donate at present, but, after this semester I'll gladly devote a day to this cause. I feel that once the physical space is organized and some sort of guideline is established for what goes where and when, other great things will follow.

As part of that organizing process, I really do like the idea of labeling and pricing all of the gear.

Additionally, if we had a cleanup weekend, the cost to Tom would be nothing more than a case of Beer. The benefit from that cost would be a clean organized shop as well as (most likely) a large pile of gear that can be used for the "garage sale" idea, which would generate revenue for the shop.


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Re: I need your help to make VHFP better
« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2012, 10:05:43 PM »
As part of that idea, we could put our heads together at the shop one evening and create a sort of "floor plan" for which types of gear should go where, as well as establish some sort of guidelines for the physical layout and contents of the listening room.


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Re: I need your help to make VHFP better
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2012, 10:10:34 PM »
Also, again, why not utilize what the shop has to offer - GEAR. The way I figure it, 2-3 high end systems could be set up in the listening room, depending on physical dimensions, of course. Additionally, another 2-3 systems could be set up on display in the front room, and possibly one more in the back room that contains the kitchen area.

Racks don't take up THAT much room, but from an aesthetic point of view, in the eyes of a customer, walking in to a stereo shop with several kick-ass systems set up would make my day.

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Re: I need your help to make VHFP better
« Reply #22 on: March 22, 2012, 10:13:33 PM »
Put asking prices on everything that is for sale.  Last time I was in, I asked twice for a price on a DAC, never got an answer. was Saturday night and I forgot to ask a 3rd time.   ;D

I'm fairly certain that this is state law.   I don't know who, if anyone, enforces that law, but it is the law none the less.

I agree about prioritizing and think that signage and posted hours are the obvious first step.

I disagree somewhat about ridding yourself of all the bottom end stuff.   It is good to have at least a couple of pieces for the college kid looking to start in the hobby.


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Re: I need your help to make VHFP better
« Reply #23 on: March 22, 2012, 10:25:54 PM »
Bottom end doesn't equate to inexpensive, and vice versa.

That's a great point about the legality of pricing, Mark. It's actually the department of weights and measures that audits pricing, although Tom could technically claim that he's out of inventory at present and has only the items in view which are currently being repaired or are waiting for their owners to arrive and claim them since they've been restored to working condition. :)

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Re: I need your help to make VHFP better
« Reply #24 on: March 22, 2012, 10:27:16 PM »
How about a 3 month limit on holding consignment gear?

Also, BIG +1 on the garage sale. Memorial day weekend? Get forum members involved to bring tables and sell their dust collectors. Advertise within a 100+ mile radius and offer food and beer.
I am confident that an SL-1200 is capable of outperforming turntables of much higher expense with minor modification.


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Re: I need your help to make VHFP better
« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2012, 10:40:27 PM »
I'd honestly say July 4. Memorial day is a little close.

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Re: I need your help to make VHFP better
« Reply #26 on: March 22, 2012, 10:44:55 PM »

A lot of great ideas.  I think Bill's idea of a business plan was on the mark.

A sign is fundamental.  This needs to get done.

A clearance sale could bring a lot of traffic and make more space available.

A little advertising would help.  AudioKarma sells advertising fairly cheap and that Forum is really tailor made for your products (repair and vintage gear).  Do a little more for sale items on Craigslist.

The shop need to be more presentable.

You have a great opportunity with your quality of gear, repair expertise, fair and friendly service.

If we need to pass the hat for some signage or advertising, I'm game.



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Re: I need your help to make VHFP better
« Reply #27 on: March 23, 2012, 10:04:41 AM »
Shop Comments…

Lots of GOOD ideas mentioned…

My 2 cents…

I have mixed feelings about the (nice) sign... I believe the North Hills/Babcock Blvd. area is relatively safe…  Do you now want to paint a TARGET sign to tell “would be” thieves…  Here is a shop with lots of STUFF!?  If the shop has a very good security system and good insurance, this is not as big a deal…  If the sign read “Pittsburgh VHF” or such, not as big a deal…  Just something to consider…

Garage sale/BBQ – Great idea!!!

Reduce clutter/Floor Layout/Appearance – AGREE!!!  Goal to get the shop to be more organized…  First step, get ONE room “FIXED UP”

Priorities for Shop – Have Tom/Anders provide a list of top three reasons for shop’s existence…

Recycled Electronics - I often bring recycled (non-working) audio stuff with me when I visit the shop…  Tom politely tells me to put it “there” (meaning in the middle of the floor, adding to the clutter).  So the clutter is MY fault too!   :D  Possibly have a shed or such behind the building (or wherever, NOT in the building) for items.  They are not working anyway, so who cares if they get taken!  Who would want them!!!  Or is there somewhere else where we can dispose of Recycled Electronics?

Again, my 2 cents…
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Re: I need your help to make VHFP better
« Reply #28 on: March 23, 2012, 07:50:25 PM »
Thank you to all that have responded.

Priorities for Shop – Have Tom/Anders provide a list of top three reasons for shop’s existence…    This is easy to answer. We love vintage audio gear and we are both very dedicated to it.

To answer a few other comments.

There is window vinyl in the works. It will be nothing extravagant.    We have new people every week that "find" us. I only want real audio people co come in here.

It is  not a problem with the recycled electronics. PLEASE BRING THEM IN. They are gone from the shop within a few days. They are all dismantled.  The problem is the amount of time it takes to tear down,separate , and put away  the parts. It eats up tons of time.  Glad we have a new intern. Just hope he doesn't show up one day with a forklift and a hungry stomach.

Floor layout  and rack space are big problem. It is just as bad here as it was at the old place.  There is quite a bit of stuff here that needs to be here. It seems that no matter how many Sq Ft we have, we fill it. I was denied permission to erect a shed in the back. Tried that last year.

I like the idea of a garage sale /meeting/BBQ that anyone can bring in equipment to sell for Memorial Day weekend.

I also like the idea of the "organize" meeting one Saturday.

New rule. No food or drink near the Carver amps. If I would have seen a potato chip on the amp, I would have gone ballistic.

 This place needs dusted all the time. I hope to have help with that soon.

We do have a business plan, however, it is difficult when working on a shoestring budget and during a poor economy. Sales are down 50 % from two years ago and  25% from last year. Repairs  however, are on the rise.

Not sure how well a clearance sale would work.  People in Pittsburgh already want everything for nothing and want to sell for top dollar.

We have no budget for advertising.

Pricing is in a computer database and fluctuates constantly based on current market values. 

It would be difficult to have several systems setup due to the lack of space.

Saturday nights can be very bad for asking a price when too many things are going on. lol  Every time I tried, I was sidetracked. Sorry Scott.

Hours of operation are on the web site and these are the ones we are sticking with.  Yes, sometimes people are in the lot when I get here, and more often than not, it is before 4PM.

Mandatory posted pricing is not necessary  for a shop like mine.

Ebay is not an option unless it is high dollar equipment that is in demand. 

 I plan on being more selective on  gear that comes in. However,  you would be shocked at the amount of low end tuners, cassette decks and such we actually sell.

For the record. turn around time on repairs has been stellar lately.  Most of the time, before the estimated date with very few exceptions.

Any more ideas, let me know.


« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 08:10:52 PM by OCCD »
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Re: I need your help to make VHFP better
« Reply #29 on: March 23, 2012, 09:02:19 PM »

A lot of great ideas.  I think Bill's idea of a business plan was on the mark.

A sign is fundamental.  This needs to get done.

A clearance sale could bring a lot of traffic and make more space available.

A little advertising would help.  AudioKarma sells advertising fairly cheap and that Forum is really tailor made for your products (repair and vintage gear). Do a little more for sale items on Craigslist.

The shop need to be more presentable.

You have a great opportunity with your quality of gear, repair expertise, fair and friendly service.

If we need to pass the hat for some signage or advertising, I'm game.



I rarely if ever post but check this site out daily so here's my 2 cents The only other places I know of in the area is that shop that shall not be named in Bloomfield and the initiated know not to deal with them. Vin up at Galaxie is a nice guy but he's so swamped with repairs that he rarely has anything decent in there. Which leaves VHFP in my opinion as thee only place to go.

I would posit that there are a lot of people out there beyond Western PA that would chomp at the bit to get there hands on some of the gear I've seen there. To Carl's point I think AK would be a good idea. If advertising on their site is cost prohibitive now why not become a member?. I believe it's $25 and gives you access to Barter Town & Members Classifieds. Build a presence on there sharing your awesome knowledge and I'll bet it would be in no time that business would pick up.

True story: A young guy from Polish Hill joined AK a month or so ago and I got involved in a thread he started along the way I mentioned VHFP and he had no idea you existed. I told him where you were located and he said he would definitely check it out.

Another true story: I was doing some work at this ladies house and I noticed she had some really interesting speakers. Turns out they were some Thiels and then she showed me her kick ass old Rotel amp. Turns out it was her ex-husbands hand me down system. She said she had more gear in the basement but it needed to be repaired and then lamented that she there aren't anyplace anymore that repairs good equipment. I immediately mentioned you, your store etc;. She was so exited that she called her ex (who she is still on good terms with) and told him about our conversation. When I spoke with her again a week or so later she mention how excited he was to hear about this place and was gonna check it out.

I have yet another story/example of when I get in involved in audio conversations with people and then mention VHFP and the response is "I never heard of them" but I don't want to take up any more space.

Best of luck Tom & Anders, you guys have the goods and I believe if more like minded folk knew about you and then told there friends the sky would be the limit.

PS: Updating "Just Arrived" on a more regular basis Imho might be very helpful.