Bob getting his dealer page finished would help.
A sign outside, but I've said this before.
An Audio society of sorts created for our area would be cool. This could create some diversity and attention.
I like the yard sale idea with the bbq.
We all know hours have been posted, and have changed several times. Next time you want to change if there is a next time, try to include a heads up to people. Anders shows up at the shop and customers are waiting

This is a good thing, but how many might you be losing?
There are a few sites on the web where the info isn't updated, and I'm having trouble gaining access to fix them. A lot have been updated. Let's get together on those.
Advertise everywhere.
Offer your services to other businesses that are doing high end, cus Anders is trained, and they don't all do their own repairs.
Consistency and an even pace will win the race!
And yes, Anders is the best tech, and yes I'm totally biased. However, a lot of people think that of him and we're both glad you guys found each other.