I love me some Alt. Country.

I wanted to share a favorite new band that I discovered just a few weeks ago.
I can't get enough of this band!! The Cave Singers are touring off their new wonderful album, No Witch. (of course no Pittsburgh) I guess I will venture to Phila. or Ohio to see them eventually.lol...
Check them out on Spotify. Their other two albums are equally OUTSTANDING!! Pick either Welcome Joy from 2007 or Invitation Songs from 2007.
All three of the Caves Singers albums have blown me away.
Here is a couple of songs to sample.
I love this song and video. "Dancing on Our Graves"
The Cave Singers - "Dancing On Our Graves"and another song called "Haller Lake"
The Cave Singers - Haller LakeDamien Jurado has a new album called Maraqopa that is FREAKIN Earth shattering!! This is my album of the year so far.
Damien will be playing in town at the Warhol Musuem on May 17th!!!
Working Titles - Maraqopa - Damien JuradoAnyone care to share any new finds or favorite albums of late?