Author Topic: Random items for sale  (Read 5071 times)

Offline MrPeabody

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Random items for sale
« on: July 11, 2012, 08:29:18 PM »
Hi all,

I'm a newbie, and by no means an expert on things audio. I have a few items that I've picked up over the years that I would like to find a new home for. Hopefully there's something here for you.

JVC DC-7        $45
This is a (really) big boom box from around 1983. It measures 29" wide, 9" deep, and 11" high (not including the handle). The most notable feature is that it plays 12" records on a retractable turntable. The turntable arm rides on a linear track, but unfortunately it no longer functions. It could be something simple, I just never took the time to look into it. And of course it has an AM/FM receiver and a tape deck. The speakers and handle detach to create a neat little shelf unit. I also have the original box if you want it.
PIONEER CT-W60DR        $25
Dual casette deck. I purchased this new and used it very little.

SONY FD-500        $10
Mega Watchman portable AM/FM/TV.

SONY PS-4750        $175
Direct-drive turntable. The cartridge is an averaged used unit. Item is untested.

ZENITH VR 9700 J        $45
A big old Betamax player. It is untested.

On the off chance that someone looking at this list is a club owner, DJ, or something of that sort, I thought I would list a few lighting items I have for sale: 4 unused 10" dia. Tripp Light beacons (clear domes), used multi-colored rope lights with a controller, and an unused pin spot with motorized color wheel. Make an offer on one item or the whole lot.

Thanks for looking...


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Re: Random items for sale
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2012, 09:35:00 PM »
That Beta was almost 1300 dollars when it was brand spankin' new.  :P

Good luck with the sales.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 09:37:25 PM by SunnyDaze »

Offline MrPeabody

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Re: Random items for sale
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2012, 01:24:13 AM »
Tom took the Betamax on barter, so it is no longer available.

If anyone is at all interested in anything else on the list, please make an offer. If you want to see anything, just let me know when you'll be at the shop and I can meet you there. i only live about 1.5 miles away.

I also have a Heathkit W-5M amp / WA-P2 preamp / FM-3A tuner set. Manuals included. Everything is in very nice shape, but like everything else I'm offering here it is untested. The tubes in the amp are not matched, one is a Genelex and the other an Emitron. I've owned it since 1987 and I'm guessing I'm the second owner. Asking $200.

Offline Sir Thrift-a-Lot

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Re: Random items for sale
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2012, 08:42:23 AM »
What do you want for the rope lights and the pin spot?

I missed those the first time.

Offline MrPeabody

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Re: Random items for sale
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2012, 02:37:07 PM »
The rope lights consist of a Model RC-404 controller and five 15.5' strands of multicolored "ropelites / snakelites." They have six-pin connectors. Strangely there is no manufacturer name on the controller, but it does say "MADE IN U.S.A."

There are two Model 7157 PRO pin spots, each with a Rotolite motor and color wheel.

Everything was purchased new by me from Cercone Vincent on Noblestown Rd around 1983. The rope lights and one pin spot were used sparingly for one season, the other pin spot was kept as a spare. I just tested everything and it all works, but the rope light controller needs some contact cleaner (it hasn't been used in nearly 30 years).

I'm thinking $15 for the rope light controller, $37.50 for the rope lights ($7.50 per strand), and $15 each for the pin spots. That's $82.50. If you want the Rotolite mirror ball motor it would come to $90 even. And if you had any interest in them at all, I would throw in two flash pots just because.

You didn't mention the four Tripp Lite beacons, but they're $35 each and I'll let them go in pairs if you don't want all four.

Offline MrPeabody

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Re: Random items for sale
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2012, 07:45:04 PM »
What do you want for the rope lights and the pin spot?

I missed those the first time.

Well, one week later I'm going to go ahead and assume that you're not interested. Unless you're on vacation or something. In that case I may consider a partial trade for some salt water taffy... :P