had a bit of free time last night....
what to do, what to do....
how about playing with my tube's....
started diggin into what I have, and found a set of Harman Kardon 12AT7's (German), to replace the current ones that came with the amps, a set of

, as these only say 12AT7WA
made in the USA.
the only real change that the HK tube did was bring the sound stage a bit more to the center, with the originals it was a bit wider.
not that stock tube sounded bad. the HK's brought it just a bit more to the center, tighter if you will.
as to the sound, I did not really hear any change, the lows, mids and highs all sounded the same.
kinda nice to know this, as this takes one tube out of the loop....
onto the 12ax7's, which I do have a few different types.....
more to follow............

okay, stock 12ax7 was JJ's now it is a set of HK's (British)
while the jj's sound real good for cheap tubes the hk's have a better air about, them a bit cleaner also, didn't even try a set of sovtek's, but may just for the fun of it.....
the at7 have a diamond, so my guess is the ax7 might be mullards.
tried to find info on them and found none.
put the sovteks in, uuummm, NO