I wear somewhat special shoes that cost a great deal more than Crocs, which is why they're falling apart. I'm hoping some day we will actually make enough money to both pay the bills, and take care of other needs. I have similar issues as Tom. However, Crocs will never become a part of my wardrobe, not even in secret!
Pepe, I applaud you for bravely admitting you've worn Crocs, though you did not choose them for yourself. A point is given for that! Thanks for not posting pics; another point for you!
That being said, I did consider them at one point as I found they also make therapeutic Crocs for some conditions. That's as close as I ever got. And then there is this:
"Internationally, some healthcare facilities introduced policies in 2007 regulating Crocs. Rapid City Regional Hospital in South Dakota changed its dress code to prohibit the sandal variants and those with holes, citing safety concerns, but allowed closed-top "Professional" and the healthcare-focused "Rx" Crocs to be worn.[26] Over one hundred hospitals in Canada were advised to implement similar policies.[27][28] Blekinge and Karolinska University hospitals in Sweden banned the wearing of "Forsberg slippers" (Foppatofflor)[29] by staff,
due to high voltage static electricity buildup which was observed[30] to interfere with electronic equipment.[31][32][33] City hospitals in Vienna, Austria announced banning Crocs, often worn by nursing staff, to comply with antistatic requirements.[34]"
read the full article here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CrocsNow, post pics from Carverfest, because Anders wants to see what he's missing