Author Topic: Carver C-1 with short ears!!  (Read 9973 times)

Offline paden501

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Carver C-1 with short ears!!
« on: December 22, 2009, 08:54:37 PM »
As a few of you know from other threads, I recently had to trade in all my Carver gear because it wouldn't fit into my new TV entertainment center.   :'(

Well, since then I've come up with a way around the problem for at least SOME Carver gear.

The answer?  Have a machinist mill away a few inches from the Carver face-plate!

I just did this mod to my newly acquired C-1 (don't worry, I bought an extra face-plate from Tom, so it can go back to its stock form if need be).

Here's the result:

What was once a 19" wide preamp, is now only 18" wide!!!   :o

Now obviously this wont work on all Carver stuff.  The C-1 has a metal backplate that the faceplate bolts to through the rack ears.  So I was able to trim the back plate as well.  This would not have worked with a CT-17 for instance, because the CT-17 has a plastic back plate that would have cracked.

--- My System ---
Front L/R: Polk Audio SDA-1C w/ Modified xovers
Amp: Carver TFM-24
CD: Jolida JD100a
HTR/Pre: B&K Reference 20
Turntable:Pioneer PL-516 W/ Shure M97xe
Surrounds -Polk Audio Monitor 4As

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Re: Carver C-1 with short ears!!
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2009, 09:33:51 PM »
So, paden, I don't know if you read the thread about my dad pickin up a jolida cd player... but, with yours do you have an issue putting it below your pre considering tube heat? Before he bought his I cautioned him that the tubes would put off some heat and he may want to have it on top...
I am confident that an SL-1200 is capable of outperforming turntables of much higher expense with minor modification.

Offline paden501

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Re: Carver C-1 with short ears!!
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2009, 09:38:19 PM »
I've been keeping a close eye on that.  I've had 2 observations so far:

1. The stock tubes in the Jolida put off almost no heat.... they're stone cold almost all the time. 

2.  The C-1 is not very deep... even sitting on top of the jolida, it does not protrude back far enough to cover the tubes in the CDP.... so i'm not too worried about it.

I have been sticking my hand back there every few minutes though just to see what's going on.  So far nothing overly warm.

I've got new tubes coming, so I'll let you know if that changes.
--- My System ---
Front L/R: Polk Audio SDA-1C w/ Modified xovers
Amp: Carver TFM-24
CD: Jolida JD100a
HTR/Pre: B&K Reference 20
Turntable:Pioneer PL-516 W/ Shure M97xe
Surrounds -Polk Audio Monitor 4As

Offline thuffman03

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Re: Carver C-1 with short ears!!
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2009, 10:03:59 PM »
Looks good.  If you did not say that it was modded I would have not known!
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Re: Carver C-1 with short ears!!
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2009, 12:14:03 PM »
Well....I would have to say that idea very ingenious on your part Paden501. Good thinking Sir.

Did I mention how nice everything looks ? ;)------BILL(BB3)

Offline BrianT

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Re: Carver C-1 with short ears!!
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2010, 08:54:59 PM »

Great idea looks good

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