Author Topic: Inifinty Kappa 8 - trade,sell combo all good.  (Read 3399 times)

Offline Planarguy

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Inifinty Kappa 8 - trade,sell combo all good.
« on: May 12, 2013, 07:54:05 PM »
Guys, I'm about 2 hours away from the 'burgh, but drive through here a lot for work. I've bought and sold a good amount in Pittsburgh and can be considered a local.   

I have a set of nicely reconditioned Infinity kappa 8( the original with the almost flat panel/enclosures) that I'd like to do something with. Trade, sell, ?? 
The woofers have been properly refoamed with the exact size, thickness etc. foam as factory new.  All 10 drivers work as they should.
They last sold for $2350 retail, and the drivers alone would come to around $600 if I parted them out on the 'Bay.  Just Google for images, and mine will look like those.  The cabinets are nearly flawless, and have been hand rubbed with oak restore-a-finish to factory newness; the black grill cloth has a corner or two where the underlying black frame is exposed - it's black on black and hard to see.
They have a HUGE sound, and remind of the Carver AL-III in overall presentation and image size, although with a better more airy and extended high end. My opinion, but I think most would agree. Just like the carvers, they too are demanding on amplification. I have disabled the low frequency capacitance input load, because I consider 1400 uf on the input, and a resultant 1 ohm load to be silly for a few extra hertz of bass extension.  In 15 minutes I could put that back to stock, but they are much easier to drive this way, and the bass goes more than low enough at around 40Hz.  It's just a jumper, and a single solder joint if anyone is interested.
I'd trade, or part trade /deal on any of these - some small audiophile grade bookshelf sized speakers. A HOMC cartridge with low hours. maybe a tube preamplifier, or a part trade on a good SS preamp. 

Or, make an offer privately if you want to buy them outright and I'll consider that.  Naturally, I don't mind bringing them to you to check out, if you are seriously interested of course.

I think you can contact me via the board here - if not let me know and we'll work out a means for doing that.

best regards guys - enjoy the music!

Offline Planarguy

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Re: Inifinty Kappa 8 - trade,sell combo all good.
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2013, 04:46:46 PM »
These are gone.  After fixing and misc. tweaking, these sounded surprisingly good.  I found a Pink Floyd cut to be very revealing.  "the Wall", track 10, "One of my Turns".  The girlfriend
 as she moves through his apartment, and enters the bathroom - Most speakers will fail to clearly delineate her voice from the echo in the bathroom, and will add distortion.  These old Kappas didn't.  In fact, they did very well on just about everything.  Sure surprised me!  Should you come across a set in GREAT condition, at a good price - you may want to pick them up.
Especially check the domes as they are expensive as all get out to replace, and also make sure the emits are working 100% and are wrinkle free.  Wrinkles equals stress, same as with people. Stress means they will fail sooner than later.  Also, if you have a big room, leave the woofer reactive circuit in place. You better have some major watts available!

See you in the morning!