As some of you are aware, I purchased a Sunfire 600x2 in January 2012 sight unseen.
Tom (treitz3) was kind enough to pick it up for me.
He delivered it to me at Carverfest 2012, I brought it home back to Canada and put it in storage
with some other gear in the basement.
Well today I pulled it out, first time I have taken it out of the box, man it looks pristine, (needs cleaning) not a mark on it and the light even works
The serial number starts with 0410 so it looks like it was built October 2004.
Now on to the sound, well I find it to have a bloated bass, in comparison to my Silver Seven Tubes, but very easily corrected using
the Contour Control on the Sunfire Tube PreAmp.
The overal sound stage is not as big, maybe 2/3 the size, but still large. The highs lack some of the sparkle, but are very close.
The mids are near perfect compared to the Silver Seven Tube Amp.
On a scale of 10, using the Silver Sevens Tubes as 10 I would give it a good 8.5 maybe even a 9
This is a great amp, i'm very happy to have one in my rig.