Author Topic: Don't sell your Klipsches too low, or he'll find you...  (Read 5555 times)

Offline Slim-Shaddy

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Don't sell your Klipsches too low, or he'll find you...
« on: June 01, 2013, 08:53:18 AM »
...and he'll scold you.
This is a message chain from a guy on ebay lecturing me about the Klipschorns I recently sold. It's a decent read...

You know these are two pc spkrs & very easy to move w/ two guys.

Impossible to wreck them unless you try.

Crying shame the flippers destroy the heirlooms.

You are seeing 1/2 the $ in your haste.

Slow down getting to the cash register next time.

Have a great day


So I've heard. I wish I had known before. I see their value at around $2000, but I'll take more if people are willing to pay it. While I respect the heritage of these speakers and the fact that some people love them, I think that people's asking price for them is ridiculous. Especially Klipsch's. For 9 grand you can get into much better sounding new speakers. For the $3500 plus that people ask for used ones, there is a mountain of vintage speakers that will put these to shame. Just my humble opinion. I got a great deal on them, and after listening to them, I decided to sell them. I'm happy to sell them at a lower than market value price to someone who will truly enjoy them.


I sell mint vintage to collectors internationally.

Last (2) pr of Khorns $4500 & $4000.

They are Furniture 1st - Speakers 2nd.

Speakers/drivers can be replaced. Dings in antiques can NOT be repaired.

A refinished antique is worthless. Mustache on Mona Lisa.

The people who buy them know there is nothing that sounds better.

It helps the cause when the seller knows that & even more so when seller owns / listens to them as well (here).

A Ferrari owner will always do better selling his Ferrari than a guy who finds one in a garage & sees $ vs an incredible machine.

Selling value/quality vs moving inventory.

Have a good one,

Always post your ph # & kick the deal outside if you can.

Save a lot of $ that way. I've sold enough they have no fear of going outside.

"I save - you save" close

$20k vintage '60's JBL - quite common.

The only reason I chime in is Ebay is a team effort not a competition.

When marketing mistakes are made we all lo$e as the sale prices set the bar for 60 days!

It is in my best interest EVERYONE gets $4k for Khorns as that is the only way I'll ever see $5k.

Look at my JBL Apollo speakers on the bay.

One big minnow - one big fish.

Just toss the bobber out & chill.

Takes 14-17 days & the phone rings.

One takes one as only one person can buy them.

- The Marketing Magician

Yes, old stock Khorns sound awful to the layman who does not know what they need.

The Khorns in the Apollo post are my "Ferrari's" fully modded out & blow away ANYTHING.

That's hand built wood horns - custom drivers & networks but still a steal for what they cost you.

Yes, everything in the picture is free but that is to be expected after doing it as long as I.

Best Wishes

Chip Rumble
Mpls MN 55345
I am confident that an SL-1200 is capable of outperforming turntables of much higher expense with minor modification.


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Re: Don't sell your Klipsches too low, or he'll find you...
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2013, 09:12:49 AM »
Cool read (the tel number idea is pretty good - specially if you use a google talk number so as not expose your cell # - he is bold in stating you can save by calling, ePay can read through that but I guess he is not breaking any real rules as long as it is not an auction). 

Next time use three guys to move them!  (make sure you feed them beer only after the speakers are in place.   I disagree on repairing the dings - I am sure those can be taken care to the point where only an expert could tell.



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Re: Don't sell your Klipsches too low, or he'll find you...
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2013, 12:17:06 PM »
I completely agree with understanding the market prior to selling an item, especially in the case of something worth big $.  But the same applies to a buyer effecting the market by paying way to much for an item.  That being said, if I do a search for horns in the same condition as yours, the last several pairs went for exactly what you sold them for.  If I scout the internet, I cannot find any in the past year that sold for more than 3K.

I also understand the frustration if you are a retailer and you're angry your livelihood is being disrupted.  But as far as I can tell, this appears to be a hobby for this guy.  He only has 186 feedbacks.  I congratulate you on your tact.  I would have not been so accommodating.  I'm sure I would have retaliated with a question or two about the number of dead cats that could be buried in his JBL's.  Or a simple "Suck My Balls".


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Re: Don't sell your Klipsches too low, or he'll find you...
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2013, 01:58:16 PM »
Chip Rumble?


Eff off, Chip.

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Re: Don't sell your Klipsches too low, or he'll find you...
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2013, 02:06:57 PM »

Offline Sir Thrift-a-Lot

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Re: Don't sell your Klipsches too low, or he'll find you...
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2013, 03:19:48 PM »
I know it is popular to screw eBay, but I still look for integrity from people I deal with.   As soon as something underhanded is even suggested, the deal is over.

Offline Kingman

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Re: Don't sell your Klipsches too low, or he'll find you...
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2013, 05:39:37 PM »
The only thing wrong with eBay is that the cost of listing, getting you money through PayPal, and the final sale price charge cause shit to have to be overpriced. There has to be about a 15% markup just to avoid losing $. ..

Offline Sir Thrift-a-Lot

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Re: Don't sell your Klipsches too low, or he'll find you...
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2013, 10:55:00 PM »
True, true and true, but you know that going in.   It is the cost of doing business.