Author Topic: Emotiva Airmotiv 4s  (Read 6889 times)

Offline treos33

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Emotiva Airmotiv 4s
« on: June 16, 2013, 05:27:00 PM »
If all the recent desktop posts had a baby together this would be the result... emotiva mini X a-100 + studiopro4/A2s = airmotiv 4s

I'm still breaking them in but so far I really enjoy them. Incredible clarity and sound stage from the tweeter is their most notable attribute. They don't go very low but its still impressive for 4.5" drivers and what is there is very tight.
ObjectiveDAC, Technics SL-1500 w/ Grado Black Cart -> NAD 1000 pre -> Emotiva Airmotiv 4
Creek 4330R -> DefTech StudioMonitor 450
Home Theater:
Onkyo TX-NR809, Rotel RB-981 -> Boston Acoustics VR-40, VR-12 Center, Soundware surrounds, Velodyne VRP-1200