Author Topic: To profile or not to profile, that is the question.  (Read 7060 times)

Offline MajorPain

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To profile or not to profile, that is the question.
« on: December 30, 2009, 12:11:17 AM »

Profiling can go a long way. If one has nothing to hide( especially explosives)what is the big deal. A little time at the most.
Personally, in the last few years of flying, I have been pulled aside and checked out every time. No problem. The TSA f**ktards never answered me as to why I was being singled out. That is why my bearded, straggy ass always goes to the airport early... to clear the BS.

I was just watching the news and saw a CAIR big wig bashing profiling for safety.  He can go f**k himself. >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
How some douche bag got on a plane by paying cash for a one way ticket, with no luggage without question bothers me. I am pissed off that the asshole was not beat to a pulp on the plane. No 72 virgins for him, he needs to feel daily pain.  What's next???   DON"T POKE THE BEAR!!! These jihad  assholes need to watch WWII footage to see what can happen if you poke the bear!!! Unlike most countries these days, we are still armed and pissed off.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2009, 12:29:10 AM by MajorPain »
Sony Boom Box. You people are crazy!!!

Offline MasterBlaster

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Re: To profile or not to profile, that is the question.
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2009, 12:18:54 AM »
Right on Major.
Our Country's fear of offending anyone is the enemy's greatest weapon.
We MUST use profiling. Our enemies are cowards; they do not wear uniforms identifying them as
soldiers of the opposition. They walk among us. They blend into the landscape,
Waiting for their opportunity to strike.

What else are we to do?
HT: Audiocontrol Maestro M3, Sunfire 5*200,  Tannoy Mercury MX , SVS PB-12 Sub

Head-Fi: FUBAR IV Plus DAC, Grado SR225

Living Room: Dynaco ST-70 (R&R work done by NATOE), Dynaco PAS Preamp, Jamo C607 towers, MCS 6710 Turntable

Offline Falcon

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Re: To profile or not to profile, that is the question.
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2009, 01:26:05 AM »
Right on Major.
Our Country's fear of offending anyone is the enemy's greatest weapon.
We MUST use profiling. Our enemies are cowards; they do not wear uniforms identifying them as
soldiers of the opposition. They walk among us. They blend into the landscape,
Waiting for their opportunity to strike.

What else are we to do?

Very well stated.