Author Topic: Soundcraftsmen RP2215-R equalizer  (Read 4943 times)

Offline papabearjew

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Soundcraftsmen RP2215-R equalizer
« on: July 18, 2013, 04:20:40 PM »
I have the aforementioned 10 band equalizer that I bought new back in the day including the cabinet.  I think I paid $370 plus the cabinet.  Anyway it's awesome and in mind condition but I find not much use for it in my present situation.  It's kind of difficult for me to get up and down to adjust it.  My current Hifi sounds just the way I like it anyway.  I used to use it to enhance/modify live recordings I made or poor sound purchased recordings.  It did quite a nice job at that.  It also includes zero gain controls with LED's to assist in this important adjustment.  It prevents the equalizer from amplifying the overall signal.  Any way I'm thinking of selling/trading it to someone who can appreciate what it does.  It connects through the tape monitor loop on a preamp/amp and then has it's own tape monitor button.  It also has a button to send the equalized signal to the recorders inputs if desired.  I truly hate to part with it but it kind of bothers me to look at it not being used.  I am looking to finance a good pair of headphones.