Author Topic: 10.5", 1/2" NAB aluminum reel  (Read 3219 times)

Offline papabearjew

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10.5", 1/2" NAB aluminum reel
« on: October 17, 2013, 08:36:52 PM »
OK...I did something stupid...again.  I accidentally purchased a 10.5" x 1/2" reel of tape off ebay without carefully reading the description.  I was looking for 1/4" reel.  Can anyone use this?   I hate to see it just sit here and not get used.  It's made by Scotch and is in mint condition and very solid with the Scotch brand on it. 
If you have a ton of money you can buy it from me (cheap)
If you're in the same boat as me right no and low on funds I'll give it to you.
Some members of the VHOP audiophile network have bee quite good to me lately.