Author Topic: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!  (Read 5904 times)

Offline Kingman

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« on: October 31, 2013, 09:02:20 AM »
Have a great day you audio "spooks"!!!

Offline Reverend

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« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2013, 11:38:33 AM »

Offline thuffman03

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« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2013, 11:38:26 AM »
So I was sitting out front giving out candy to the little children when a young boy 5 or 6 years old comes up to me and I go to give him two pieces of candy.  He looks at what is in my hand and says:  "I don't like that type" and then goes to get something else out of my bowl.  I stop him from reaching into the bowl I tell him "I don't care, you will take what I give you" and then put the candy I had in my hand into his bag and sent him on his way.

As he is walking away, visibly upset that he did not get what he wanted, he turns to me and says "Your a dork!"

All I can think at that point is that your a little brat that gets everything you want.  The parents should be flogged and the child sent to the orphanage!  The highlight of his year at the orphanage would be the annual picnic!
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Offline MacGeek

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« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2013, 03:07:02 PM »
At 5 or 6 years old, weren't one of his parents within ear shot.  If they were not, maybe that's the problem.  Indeed they should be flogged, but I am not sure it's the kids fault at that age
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« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2013, 05:58:37 PM »
Our future looks GREAT!!!   little spoiled leach bastards.   Next year give the brat a nice apple with a razor blade in it and punch his mother in the face. :police: :police: :police: :police: >:D >:D >:D >:D

 We handed out tubes at the shop!  Would love the little brat to say he didn't want a pair of Telefunken 6DJ8's
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Offline OCCD

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« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2013, 06:18:13 PM »
but I am not sure it's the kids fault at that age

I was raised to say "thank you" when someone gave me something.  That is forgotten now. Parenting is getting very bad these days.
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Offline papabearjew

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« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2013, 07:33:29 PM »
Funny thing I had no problems with the kids.  I had a problem with a father with 3 little kids.  He was pissed because I said he's bigger than I am and won't give him anything.  I was really teasing until he became a dick about it.  He got sort of nasty and said I'm no fun and walked away in a huff.  All this in front of his kids.  What a schmuck.  I was raised to always say please and thank you and I still do it today.  Last year when I had multiple surgeries for cancer when I was in the hospital and ultimately in a skilled nursing facility for a month I thanked everyone that did anything for me.  Even the woman that emptied my waste basket every day.  You'd be surprised how much people appreciate a simple thank you.  One of the nurses even told me that a few of the nurses aids mentioned to him how I always thanked them for everything they did for me.  He told me that they are usually under appreciated and sometimes even treated rudely by patients and they appreciated when someone treated them with respect.  I still have visiting nurses coming to my house every week and I always thank them well.  My wife taught 3rd grade for many years and you would be amazed how disrespectful these kids talk.  Of course their parents aren't any better.  Fruit doesn't fall far from the tree. 


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« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2013, 01:01:49 AM »
believe it or not, as much of an asshole as i am (and yes, i'm proud of it), i always said please and thank you, even as a kid.  pbj, if i were there and that dude pulled that shit, i would have told him to "chupa mis bolas" (thanks again, pepe, for teaching me spanish)