« on: November 05, 2013, 09:25:13 AM »
I am going to pick up a 1960s Rockola jukebox and I know the guy has a early 80s Rowe (no idea which model), plays 45s, that I am not interested in. He tells me the Rowe works but needs a cooling fan to be 100%. Great opportunity to get a cool piece for your game room. PM me if you are interested. $150 and that might include delivery if you are along they way. Greentree to Tarentum
Looks kind of like this one, again:

Duntech PCL-400 (Black Knight), KEF 105/3, Snell Type b
Aloia PST 11.1, Terra Song ss-1, Luxman c-1000, Melos MA333
Llano Phoenix CA-300, White Audio Labs A100, (2) Luxman M4000
McIntosh MA230