Author Topic: Greetings Gents! And any Ladies too of course...  (Read 11214 times)

Offline PetersonAVS

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Greetings Gents! And any Ladies too of course...
« on: November 06, 2013, 10:49:12 PM »
Greetings all!

I just wanted to introduce myself to the masses. My name is Dale and I've been involved in the Audio/Video industry here in Pittsburgh since 1994. I started in custom home installations, moved into sales and ultimately opened and ran my own custom integration and security company from 06 to 2012. I am now into automation and integration systems design and still dabble in the industry having a good number of clients and friends that I still take care of when needed. Much to my wife's annoyance, I've become somewhat of a collector of A/V gear and have a storage spot (or two) of equipment that I took interest in or was a dealer of over the years. Needless to say, what she doesn't know won't  hurt her and I'm slowly sorting and pulling out pieces and will be adding numerous posts of pieces I choose to sell or trade...

I met Tom briefly about 4yrs ago when we were Shop neighbors for a short time at his old Babcock location. I lost touch until selling some gear recently and two of your members wanted to meet me at the Shop to test things out. After a few brews, some good discussion with both new and old friends while looking and listening to all the gear there, I have the itch again!

Speaking of that Tom, we had talked about the Cherry 180's but I'm now leaning toward the Cherry 305's? Are they in production? Availability? Are yours for sale? I'm looking to put together a system in my den of the new house using my Thiel CS3.7's. Thoughts anyone on the best match? AGAIN, WHAT THE WIFE DOESN'T KNOW WON'T HURT HER! FYI, I'm just planning to tell her that I pulled them out of storage...

Frank, glad to hear that my Proton D1200 found a good home and is handling your Maggie 3.3R's!

Doug, I haven't forgotten about you and am still putting together the comprehensive list of all my stored gear, and once we get done with the move into the new house in a few weeks I will get to work on my SSide storage spot and get that out to you along with finding the remote turn on cable and box for your new ATI. Glad to hear it's working well powering your system!

Anyway, its great to be back in the fold and looking forward to popping into the shop on a regular basis with beer and cigars and getting to know more of you guys...

4 Kef Reference 107/2 (Fronts&Rears)
2 Stagefront Pro15SW (Subs)
3 Stagefront Pro2870LCR (Center&Sides)
B&K Reference 50 Series II 7ch PreProcessor
Sunfire Signature 2ch Amp
Sunfire CinemaGrandSignatureSeriesII 5ch Amp
Meridian DAC Director
Vudu HDX MovieServer w/10TB HD
Runco RS1100 Ultra1080P

Offline papabearjew

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Re: Greetings Gents! And any Ladies too of course...
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2013, 11:38:50 PM »
Hi Dale,
I worked for many years in automation engineering. Everyone was either a ME or EE. The last 11 years of my career was running the pneumatic division. Who do you work for? 


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Re: Greetings Gents! And any Ladies too of course...
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2013, 11:52:28 PM »
Awesome. Just what we need. More engineers.

Offline PetersonAVS

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Re: Greetings Gents! And any Ladies too of course...
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2013, 12:32:51 AM »
No, not an engineer, though took many MechE classes and some ElectE classes while in college. Went in for Architecture and eventually came out with Business and Programming... Then jumped right into Commercial A/V and Security monitoring and access control installs & systems design... Eventually worked on & developed our own Custom Home A/V/S automation platform and sold some design patents to Honeywell... I now just do some selective consulting, piss around with my A/V and spend time with my family...

4 Kef Reference 107/2 (Fronts&Rears)
2 Stagefront Pro15SW (Subs)
3 Stagefront Pro2870LCR (Center&Sides)
B&K Reference 50 Series II 7ch PreProcessor
Sunfire Signature 2ch Amp
Sunfire CinemaGrandSignatureSeriesII 5ch Amp
Meridian DAC Director
Vudu HDX MovieServer w/10TB HD
Runco RS1100 Ultra1080P

Offline Kingman

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Re: Greetings Gents! And any Ladies too of course...
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2013, 06:32:27 AM »
Howdy Dale!!! Welcome to the forum.

Offline Reverend

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Re: Greetings Gents! And any Ladies too of course...
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2013, 01:02:06 PM »
Welcome.  Go with the 305's, you won't be disappointed.  >:D

Offline StephenWVU

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Re: Greetings Gents! And any Ladies too of course...
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2013, 01:58:44 PM »

Thiel 3.7s are incredible.  I wish I had a pair of them lying around!  :P  My vote also goes to the 360s.  If I had the cash I would buy a pair, but unfortunately such is not the case.  Some day!  ;D
Speakers: Nearfield Acoustics Pipedreams Reference 18
Mark Levinson ML3 (subs)
Phison A2.120SE (towers)
Preamplifier/DAC/Phono: Phison PD2SE
Server: Pi & NUC
Turntable: VPI HR-X, VdH Colibri XGW

Offline StephenWVU

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Re: Greetings Gents! And any Ladies too of course...
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2013, 02:02:46 PM »
Actually, if it isn't too much to ask, would you mind if I could hear your system once it is done?  I heard the CS3.7 speakers a long time ago and remember them being the best sounding speaker I have heard in my life.  I would love to hear them again to see if my opinion is the same.
Speakers: Nearfield Acoustics Pipedreams Reference 18
Mark Levinson ML3 (subs)
Phison A2.120SE (towers)
Preamplifier/DAC/Phono: Phison PD2SE
Server: Pi & NUC
Turntable: VPI HR-X, VdH Colibri XGW

Offline PetersonAVS

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Re: Greetings Gents! And any Ladies too of course...
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2013, 04:47:26 PM »
Definitely Stephen!

We are currently in the midst of packing and will be moving over into the new house the last two weeks of November. But come hell or high water, I will at least have my den system with the 3.7's up and running the first week or so in December. I would love your input and will have some cigars and Guinness on tap as well. Also depends on the availability of the Cherry 305's, which I now need to talk with Tom to order... Remember that the wife will NEVER know that they are new. "THEY CAME FROM MY STORAGE!" Thanks guys... 

Even if we don't have the new 305's in house by then, I will dig something adequate out of storage to properly power those babies for you to enjoy. I am a movie buff and spend most of my time in my old theater and really do love my old Kefs, but the 3.7's are soo damn smooth with amazing depth and soundstage. Unfortunately, I just haven't had the right amp or room to properly enjoy them in the old home. My only wish is a little more bottom end and then they would be damn near perfect to my ears. I may end up adding a JL Fathom f113, or would really love to do it right and add the matching Thiel SS2.2, but that will definitely have to wait till I dig out and sell a bunch more gear...

Get back to me after Thanksgiving and we will set up day in December...

4 Kef Reference 107/2 (Fronts&Rears)
2 Stagefront Pro15SW (Subs)
3 Stagefront Pro2870LCR (Center&Sides)
B&K Reference 50 Series II 7ch PreProcessor
Sunfire Signature 2ch Amp
Sunfire CinemaGrandSignatureSeriesII 5ch Amp
Meridian DAC Director
Vudu HDX MovieServer w/10TB HD
Runco RS1100 Ultra1080P


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Re: Greetings Gents! And any Ladies too of course...
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2013, 06:57:12 PM »
Is that a Kimber Ultra?


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Re: Greetings Gents! And any Ladies too of course...
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2013, 07:27:36 PM »
Bite me 8WoF!!

Awesome. Just what we need. More engineers.


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Re: Greetings Gents! And any Ladies too of course...
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2013, 07:36:38 PM »
Remember, an engineer designed that bushing on your bike.

A mathematician would have been more practical about that.


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Re: Greetings Gents! And any Ladies too of course...
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2013, 07:44:46 PM »
Remember, an engineer designed that bushing on your bike.

A mathematician would have been more practical about that.

Yeah, bur would the math geek ever actually of had the bushing manufactured and available to sell?   >:D

Offline schwarcw

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Re: Greetings Gents! And any Ladies too of course...
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2013, 08:10:39 PM »
Welcome to the Forum Dale!  You have some kickass equipment!  Tubes rule!


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Re: Greetings Gents! And any Ladies too of course...
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2013, 08:29:08 PM »
Remember, an engineer designed that bushing on your bike.

A mathematician would have been more practical about that.

Yeah, bur would the math geek ever actually of had the bushing manufactured and available to sell?   >:D

Well, there IS that.  O0